Do you ever wonder what it was that Jesus was doing with the twelve disciples that eventually he sent out as workers for Him?
When you look at a lot of what he talked about, it was nothing else than teaching them how to be together centered around Him. 

First, of course, He had to help them to see who He was and believe in Him. Not a head belief, but to cast their entire being onto Him in trust.
But from there, it was always about how to be brethren together. What do you think the 12 were? Some guys Jesus simply gave a title to? Not at all. This was a new Israel Jesus was giving birth to. That's why there were 12 of them. It was full of significance that he was now introducing the true Israel, the Spiritual Israel - the Israel that would have Jesus live within them by the Spirit. That is the true Israel of God.
Within that thought is not what was most important though. He was teaching them how to live together centered around Him. That's why He would tell them things like if they wanted to be the greatest, then they must be a servant of all. That's why he served them when they last ate together before He died, as an example to how they should live amongst one another.
All the things that they had learned how to do together, is what they would eventually pass on to those they would live in community with together. It was togetherness centered in Christ that was what was learned, and what would be passed on. One of the last things Jesus said to them was that they should love one another like He had loved them; that they should lay down their lives for one another.
You can only do that be being together; by living close together. That's how the church was birthed through Christ. All of them living and laying down their lives for one another centered around nothing but loving Jesus Christ their husband as His bride.
What more could a people want then to share the life of Christ together on a daily basis? When it comes down to it, it's all that He wants!