Everything created we see with our eyes has something invisible in Christ it represents. When we walk around the created world, we are in essence walking around a bunch of things that have significant meaning behind what they are.
All created things have something to show forth as to who the Father is in Jesus Christ.
Sometime when you're on a walk or just contemplating, think of the magnificent things around you; ask God to show you something of Himself within them.
I'm originally from northern Minnesota, and many of us love our trees up there. I think of the progression of the softness of wood in trees as something extraordinary from the Lord.
For example you have the softwood of the poplar, then you gradually get harder with the pine tree and then the birch. Then you can get into a little harder woods like maple, oak and ash.
All these woods are created by God and show us something of who he is.
You can see how He can deal with us in certain ways that can be soft, and then as we grow and learn Christ more, there may be times that are harder and more difficult for us, or when He seems hard toward us in things we may be doing that hinder our walk with Him.
Other times we may simply be assuming He's a certain way, and He's not thinking that toward us at all.
You can look at the softer wooded trees which are more flexible and easy to work with, but when you need to be heated by them, they're not as efficient.
There are times when God is more flexible with us, and other times when He's immovable, and expects us to conform to His image. Now I'm not saying He's not always working in us to conform us to His image, just that there's times he gives us more room and time to grow, and other times when it's here and now; and no foolishness.
The point is we are learn a ton of things from the creation around us, as it was based on something invisible in God that it based upon.
All we need to do is ask Him to reveal to us the tremendous secrets of Himself as revealed through creation. It can give you a different perspective on living in this visible world while we're on it, and teach an endless number of things about who Christ is.