homosexuals, it is far from convincing the organization has truly repented from its action, other than for the sake of expediency.
Some writing about the reversal even use the term "legally married gay Christians" when talking about the issue; as if you can be in a homosexual relationship and be considered a Christian. That's like saying they're going to hire adulterer Christians or murderer Christians. It's nonsensical.
By the way, there is no such thing as a legally married homosexual in the eyes of Jesus Christ. The government or judges have no authority to make laws asserting that. Only God has made that determination, and marriage is only between one man and one women.
I"m not talking here about those who have sinned and repented and turned from their sins. I'm talking about those who continually live in sin and aren't challenged to turn away from their sin.
The idea that gays are the only people in history that self-identify as a sin, doesn't excuse their rebellion against Jesus Christ. The fact that World Vision drank the gay kool aid reveals it has been infiltrated by this evil, and it needs to be expunged from the organization, or Christians need to completely stop supporting it in any way.
So when World Hunger U.S. President Richard Stearns announced in Christianity Today that the reasoning for the decision was for cross-denominational unity, it shows that Stearns and the organization are clueless as to what constitutes unity in the body of Christ. Clue: it's not the acceptance of unrepentant sinners as workers.
Also, those so-called denominations that accept those living in homosexual sin, are no longer churches, not matter what the definition given by them. Jesus talked about removing lamp stands in the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and those accepting practicing homosexuals into their leadership ranks, can no longer be considered a church as recognized by Jesus Christ.
Whoever the people were that made this decision by World Vision need to be booted out. World Vision advertises itself as a Christian organization, and so it must adhere to the Bible as its authority in all matters of life. Christians who give to these types of organizations demand and require it. This is especially true with homosexual sinners.
I will never give money to World Vision unless it publicly cleanses itself of these infiltrators, who obviously have been compromised in their faith. There is no longer any trust in its leadership, and those espousing these views must be removed, as they have forfeited their right to lead an organization alleging it represents Christ in order to extract money from believers wanting to help the poor.
Some may ask about the fact the organization reversed direction and repented of its actions. That's fine. But the point is what caused it to make the decision in the first place. This is something embedded in the agency that must be removed. That's the major issue at hand.
There are a lot of other Christian organizations that can be supported without the concern over whether or not it's going to capitulate to the gay agenda.