God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Friday, August 15, 2014

Excavation Starts at Ken Ham's Kentucky Noah's Ark Project

With permits in place and other necessary elements in place, excavation on the long-promised Kentucky Noah's ark project is now under way. It is scheduled to be opened sometime in 2016. The location of the project is in Grant County in Northern Kentucky.

Ken Ham, most recently noted for his debate with Bill Nye the 'alleged' Science Guy, is heading up the project. Ham leads the ministry Answers in Genesis.

The ark itself will be built in exact proportion to the ark as it is described in the Bible. It will be 510 feet long, surrounded by a variety of other attractions of interest to families, including a petting zoo. Overall the project will entail about 200 acres.

Since the announcement the ark was going to be built in 2010, the project timeline fell behind donations, which resulted in delays.

Millions of feet of lumber will be needed to complete the overall project.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved of a stormwater permit in July, clearing the way for construction to begin.

Also part of the ministry is the Creation Museum that was built near to Cincinnati, and has attracted over 1 million visitors since opening in 2007.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Loyalty to the Kingdom of God and Jesus First

One of the failures of natural Israel almost from its inception has been the misunderstanding it was meant to be a light to the nations; meaning it was to not only embrace and represent who God was to one another, but to spread that across the world.

That failure was primarily the result of it time after time failing to meet the standards of God, which ended up with Israel taking on the nature of other nations, rather than being a peculiar people as they were meant to be, by showing forth the glory of God.

Now the followers of Jesus Christ are meant to take on that responsibility, by first, walking as Jesus walked, and from that total separation from the ways of the world, becoming a light to the nations in the name of Jesus Christ. That's one of the reasons believers in Christ were called Israel in the Scriptures, as the purpose of God for the natural Jews had now passed on to all of those that call upon the name of the Lord and obey Him.

That brings of the question of who we primarily owe our allegiance to. As true followers of Jesus Christ, our allegiance is and also should be first to the kingdom of God and He who heads it up. That means whatever nation on earth we may reside in only gets our loyalty secondarily; and that only in a small proportion in comparison to God's kingdom.

That doesn't suggest we become traitors or enemy combatants on behalf of one nation against another, but that the overriding nation we serve is a heavenly one, and one of our reasons for existence is to take the will of God and do it, and from there work and pray to see that and the kingdom of God increasingly be done and to come on earth.

For that reason I believe it's a mistake to think of any nation as a so-called Christian nation. While it can be true that Christianity and Christ were a part of the influence on a nation, and thus had some of the characteristics of Christ as part of the culture of that nation, the fickle nature of man, as seen in the growing decadence in the United States, reveals we can't simply call a nation a Christian nation, when what it once embraced and acknowledged is rejected for an opposing world view and ideology. America is no longer a Christian nation, and neither are many nations that once at minimum, revered Christ at least outwardly.

No matter what country any of us live in, we need to pray and work towards the kingdom of God to permeate those living in the country, as the kingdom of God is expected to fill the earth, meaning the person of Christ as revealed in the Bible will fill everything with who He is. That's what it means when we are told that God will be all in all. It's also a reference to being conformed to His image.

We are to be like Him; totally loyal to who He is. We are to learn what He want and then obey in it. Once we mature, we then share who He is with others, and also call upon those around us to obey Him.

Ultimately we not only will increase the kingdom of God in individuals, but start to work locally on transforming the many areas of life into what He wants. That includes individuals, families, education, government, the arts, and business, along with any other area of life that needs to submit unto the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

While we can appreciate the city or country we live in, that is nothing compared to the heavenly kingdom of God that we are to pray to come and fill the earth. Eventually all nations that respond to this will receive the multiple blessings of God He promises. Those that reject Him will be found to be fighting against the God of heaven and earth.

Our ultimate loyalty is to Jesus Christ and His kingdom. Everything else should be an extension of that kingdom in order to make where we live like what heaven is like. That is what Jesus had in mind when He taught us to pray for His kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Book of Daniel and Breaking Kingdoms in Pieces

Daniel 2:40-45 (KJV)

40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all
things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.

41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

There are few things, if any, related to the history of human events and how God views them, than this portion of Scripture, and the verses immediately preceding them. It clearly states not only the period of time when the promised Messiah would appear, but what His appearance meant to the nations.

Some think this is only a reference to what Jesus Christ would do to the Roman Empire over time once He appeared, but my thesis is not only is this a reference to Rome, but to all of those nations or groups of nations that attempt to become world empires. Once Jesus Christ revealed Himself as man, that would no longer be allowed. History itself bears this out, as empire after empire rises and falls, while the eternal Kingdom of God continues to rule from heaven.

All of the second chapter of Daniel needs to be read to get the full gist of what is being revealed, but these scriptures above are enough to reveal the idea.

In verse 44, the issue doesn't only refer to the four kingdoms listed up to Rome, and then the kingdom of God is finished doing its work once Rome was allegedly conquered by Christianity. Rather, it's a reference to the purpose of God for all of history concerning the nations, that they shouldn't rise up in a manner that attempts to control and dominate the world. This is a Satanic aspiration; one that has no place in the hearts and minds of men, even though the temptation by the evil one is ever there for man to grab hold of if he wishes.

The implications of this are enormous. God, once His son, who is the only true King of kings and Lord of lords, ushered in the germination of the kingdom of God on earth, He no longer allows nations the luxury or goal of attempting to dominate the earth as some nations leading up to Rome had done before the appearance of Jesus.

From that moment on the earth was required to operate under the rule of the kingdom of Heaven, meaning the heavenly nature of Jesus Christ was to be embraced and permeate the people, which in turn would rule from a heavenly perspective; or based upon the very person and will of Jesus Christ, who was an exact representation of His Father.

What that means is there should be a total freedom where people are allowed to choose their own destinies, as far as nations go, and there should be all sorts of nations being born and dying throughout history. Now that has happened, although primarily from wars. I'm talking about voluntary creation of nations here, not nation building as the U.S. has partaken of.

There is nothing better I would like to see, as far as the U.S. goes, than to see it break up into all sorts of smaller nations. The idea of America is now over, whether people realize it or not, as what it was once in the past is no longer in existence; although there are pockets of it in certain regions of the country.

Now I'm only using America as an example here. I believe that should be the case for any region of the world that wants to take on nationhood.

I know that some people that equate America with Christianity will almost consider this heresy, but the fact is the Holy Scriptures clearly state the kingdom of God will smash those attempting to build empires on the earth. His is the only kingdom, and all nations, no matter how many there are, are required to submit unto the principles of His kingdom.

Jesus, as far as ruling and reigning on the earth goes, is primarily interested in cities or localities. You can see this in the way the church grew after Pentecost.

To give you an idea of how Christ has no interest in a world kingdom or center on earth, look how it wasn't a problem for Him to destroy Jerusalem, which was considered by the Jews and many others as the center or religion in the world. Even though the church was flourishing there, eventually it was driven out not long before the destruction of Jerusalem, and believers spread all over the world from that time on.

The point is, Jesus was ruling from Heaven, and while always building on the earth, has no interest in building Tower of Babel, which He of course ended by confusing the languages,  resulting in the many races now seen on the earth.

Interestingly, as I write in 2014, there has been a growing discontent with the idea of empire, whether world or regional, and a number of secessionist movements are underway. If it's time for the breaking up of more countries and alliances with the goal of dominating the world, it couldn't happen soon enough. I'm not saying the time is here, but the idea has taken root, and I believe ultimately that idea has come from Jesus Christ Himself.

What is at issue isn't necessarily the geographic area under governance. For example, Mongolia is huge geographically, but has very few people in it. No matter what its size, it simply doesn't have the capacity to do much world governing, although on a smaller scale, its government is overreaching with the Oyu Tolgoi mine, which it has an ownership in. That is a not towards the inner evil in man to always use the government to control resources and the idea of a free market.

When the Scriptures above refer to breaking these empires to pieces, it's not necessarily a reference to total destruction, but to the influence of the kingdom of God in generating the desire within the hearts of man for self-rule under the principles of almighty God. Breaking them to pieces, I'm sure, is a reference to decentralization of power, and the goal of Jesus Christ to have people focus on local rule.

Obviously there are all sorts of things to work out with that. There has to be enough resources or industry for a small nation or city-state to generate productivity to the point of being self-sufficient. There is also the interesting probability of a wide range of trading partners specializing in specific goods or services to help the small nations to survive and thrive. That's of course the practical side. When man obeys God, He will bless in a way that He'll give us the wisdom to figure all of these challenges out.

This is an extremely brief introduction to my thought on this. If you were to read the second chapter of Daniel in light of these thoughts, you'll find the implications so staggering, that you'll either block it out of your mind, or enter a spiritual and intellectual pursuit that could easily take up several human life spans, as the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ works to permeate the world will all that He is. That's what the end result of the eternal purpose is, that we should be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, that God may be all in all.

That will be worked out practically on this earth, although never perfectly.

For now, I believe we need to pray that God will continue to work to fracture and decentralize the governments of the world and the nations, so we can get a better chance at freedom and working at local levels in a way that reflects the kingdom of Jesus Christ, which is being worked out perfectly in heaven. We are called to pray that the same perfect kingdom and will of God is expressed in the earth.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Jesus' New World Order

We hear a lot about the new world order attempted to be implemented by some people holding positions of
power or with a lot of money, and it's true that there are those trying to order world events according to their will, quietly influencing and manipulating the unsuspecting through media, education, and faux news stories; spun to coincide with their world view.

What we don't hear anything about is about Jesus Christ and His new world order, which quietly and invisibly appeared after He ascended to heaven. By quietly, I don't mean there wasn't some noise on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to dwell within those who believe in Jesus Christ, rather I mean that other than that relatively small and obscure group of people, it was not known what had happened and its powerful meaning.

Jesus Christ has come back to the earth in the person of the Holy Spirit, and put into action His plan from before the foundation of the world: that He would dwell not only with man, but in man. That was one of the great mysteries hidden from the foundation of the world.

Even though we see and understand some of what these people of money and power are doing to shape the world they want to see emerge, there is always a powerful move of the Spirit happening within people that allow them to not only resist this movement, but overcome it through Christ.

Most Christians don't understand that the coming of the Holy Spirit was the introduction of Christ's new world order, identified in the Bible as the new creation. What was different about the physical and initial creation is the new creation was birthed directly from God, and if fact, was God within us through Christ. That's what truly being born again signifies. It's an entire new world introduced that Satan and his earthly followers have attempted to hide, obscure and overwhelm through the loudness of various media outlets and education in order to keep people from quieting down and seeing the beauty of this new creation that broke into this world over 2,000 years ago.

The significance is Jesus Christ isn't sitting idly by in heaven doing nothing, but rather throughout the entire world has counterattacked and is slowly teaching His people how to combat the evil that has invaded God's earth, and repel it and eventually make it weak in the face of the person of Jesus Christ in His people.

Jesus' new creation has already overcome the attempt to destroy His earth, and as we move into His victory, will find ourselves not only rejecting despair, but growing in love, wisdom, and authority, which will ultimately lead to the amazing end result of God being all in all.

We will be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and that won't stay only within, but will flow out like a river of water to touch all the earth. That's our calling and destiny in this life, and I'm one that is going to take it as far as I can while I live.

.... See my new blog called Jesus' New World Order

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Jesus Christ: If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments

It is far past time we reject this idea that loving God has little to do with obeying what He has revealed to us in His word. Jesus Himself said this: "If you love me, keep my commandments."

There is nothing confusing or ambiguous about this. Love, as far as it relates to Jesus Christ, is determined by our level of obedience to Him. It's that simple. What must be obeyed is revealed in the Scriptures.

Living for Christ isn't difficult to understand. It's summarized like this: What does the Bible say, and what are we going to do about it? Those who don't want to obey are those who create an image of Christ they want to serve; one that has little to do with the real Christ our Lord.

Where do nice feelings come in? They don't. That doesn't mean we won't have an affection for the Lord out of appreciation for what He's done for us. But that doesn't determine whether or not we love Him, or define love as explained specifically by Him.

I'm also not talking about how we are to relate to one another. I'm talking specifically about what loving God means. It's no more or less than obedience to His word.

Now the question we all have to ask is, what are we going to do about it.