God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why Union with Christ is Resisted

Throughout all of Christian history the reality of entering into a deep fellowship with Jesus Christ has been resisted.
There are several reasons why this has been the case. I will talk about two of the major reasons here.  

The first and foremost reason is that men have always wanted to interrupt the role of Jesus Himself. How is this done? They take roles upon themselves of hearing God for others. The modern-day practice of specialized priesthoods and pastorates are the prime examples of this.  

We are taught that we must be “fed” for our entire lives or that God has appointed some type of professional hierarchy that He exclusively delivers His will through. This of course is total nonsense.  

While there can be some temporary instruction that lays a foundation in the lives of believers, this is to be done only occasionally and with great care. Most of us can’t even relate to this concept. We have been brainwashed into believing that somebody can and should hear and relate to God on our behalf.  

The reason why this has been able to continue on is because many do not want to take upon themselves the personal and corporate responsibility of fellowshipping directly with God.  

Now along with this, those who have taken these roles upon themselves are forever telling us that we can’t make it without them. I want to tell you that we can. These people simply apply more importance to themselves than God or the scriptures do. Read the story. Where do you even find such a thing as a "specialized" priesthood in the New Testament or a functioning pastor? Even though the word pastor is used once in the New Testament, the example of what that is, isn’t even shown.

We have a bunch of apostles, some prophets and teachers, and one evangelist, yet in our modern-day church practices we emphasize the pastor and evangelist and teacher, while leaving out the most needed offices in the church today.  So the first reason is that there is a misconception of what the church really is. Those who know what the church is meant to be will never allow these kinds of things to continue.  

Now the second reason that union with Christ is resisted is because people have a natural desire to build everything into a system. While this is human nature, it isn’t Christ’s nature.  As a matter of fact, as you hunger after and pursue the presence of God in your life, you will find that systemization is really a substitute for not knowing God. 

Believers know that there are things that God encourages us to do. Yet if there is not a continuous fellowship with Christ and the Father, there will always, and I do mean always, be a push to organize and institutionalize. You will not be able to help it. It will just begin to happen. Whenever there is a vacuum, something will definitely fill it.  

Just like Jesus mentions when He cast out a devil and nothing fills that void, more than were originally within someone return, and it is worse than before. This is the principle of there never really being a vacuum. We will have to relate to something in a created world.  

The strange, bizarre thing about systems is that they can exist without life at all. As a matter of fact, feeding the system becomes the purpose of those that are part of it. If the system were to collapse, those in it would believe that everything in their life was devastated. This is the power and destructive nature of systems.  
In reality, a system begins to form when fellowship and union with Christ begins to stop. If there is no life of God in the midst of God’s people then there can be no pursuit of His eternal purpose.  

What is truly amazing is that once the presence of God isn’t valued, and a system begins to take shape, then any challenge to the system is seen as wicked and evil. The life of God and presence of God becomes the systems enemy. This is a true assessment. Nothing can live in a vacuum. Either we will seek the presence and fellowship of God or it will be replaced with something else. This is always the choice that is before us. This is the choice now set before you.  

So in conclusion, ambitious people attempt to take upon themselves roles meant for only Christ. Like John the Baptist, we all must deny ourselves and decrease that Christ may increase. Let’s allow ourselves to become smaller that He may be larger in our lives.  

Then let us, with all our might, pursue the abiding, continuous, fellowship and presence of God in our lives. This is the one true weapon against the natural inclination and disaster of systematizing the church of Jesus Christ. Do these things and we will begin to see who this magnificent Christ truly is.

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