God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Emerging Church Submerging: Now Supports Homosexual Sin

I am officially announcing the death of the so-called "emerging" church.

When you have people so influenced and embedded in the world, it's impossible for them to do anything that Jesus Christ could partake in with them.

That's the case with Tony Jones, alleged "church" leader amongst this nebulous confederation of dunces.

Just so those reading don't misunderstand where I'm coming from, I've been outside the institutional church system since 1976, and I've pursued an organic expression of Christ within His people since that time.

So this isn't a rant based upon a secret agenda trying to bring down those outside the particular forms of organized, institutional Christianity.

Rather, it's a rant on those infiltrating those of us who have worked for decades - and many before our time - and pretending to be part of something new that Christ is doing in His people.

There is no honest lover of Christ who could say He doesn't condemn homosexuality explicitly. There's no unsurety in the Old or New Testament concerning these actions.

But according to Jones, "... I now believe that GLBTQ ("gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer") can live lives in accord with biblical Christianity (at least as much as any of us can!) and that their monogamy can and should be sanctioned and blessed by church and state."

While I, and many others outside the organized church have never identified themselves with what is called the "emerging" church, those that do now have an obligation to censure and challenge this nut job for his attack upon Christ.

To say that the church should bless homosexuals in any way is a break with Christ and His people, and needs to be responded to in that way. To allow this type of wicked comment to go unchallenged and this guy to be embraced in the name of "tolerance" is unacceptable.

This is nothing other than what are called politically: "progressives," who are attempting to infiltrate our society and turn it into their own image, which is completely secular. One of the targets of their attacks is the unfounded young people who are always seeking for something different at a young age, and so are susceptible to this type of silly, idiotic rhetoric.

Wrapping the name of Christ around such a hideous assertion is to totally misrepresent who Christ is and what He's said.

Jesus Christ is after a bride, not a groom, and the idea that those of us who are the counterpart of Christ as His bride, should now "bless" this abhorrent lifestyle and opposite of what God wants, is an abomination to even present as viable.

If this man isn't disciplined, those who are in that position are sanctioning his assertions and so are sinning with him.

There are a lot of things those of us outside the institutional church want changed. Turning against Christ and saying the sin of homosexuality should be literally "blessed" in the words of Jones, isn't one of them.

It does make you wonder if he's a closet homosexual operating under the guise of neutrality.

This is so opposite of who Christ is, the Scriptures, and the practice of believers since the beginning of the revelation of God to man, that it can't even be taken seriously by true believers in Christ.

What people like this Jones do is ride the newest idol of "tolerance," and use it to offer up their bizarre and ungodly doctrines in the name of that tolerance, in order to push their ideas into the minds of those silly and unlearned people.

Of course, as we've seen over and over again, once the tolerant gain what they think of as the upper hand, all tolerance is thrown out the window, and those that disagree with them are warned that they better not contradict what they say and how they live.

It's an old game, and Jones is playing it all out again. If those in the so-called emerging church want to have a chance to really make a difference for Christ, they need to stop these screwballs from using their platforms to spew their poison.

Even at this time the chances of these types of churches surviving as something for Christ is just about nill. To add this type of garbage to it will only hasten their demise. If this is the way they're choosing to go, may it happen quickly.


  1. Thanks for writing this Gary. I was starting to wonder if anybody outside of institutional Christianity would stand up to the sinful direction the so-called emerging church has taken.

  2. It's way past time these types of ungodly comments and assertions are challenged.

    Some of those in this movement make the tired old argument that it's "conservatives" attacking them, as if there aren't things that need to be cleaned up.

    All you have to read is the blog post this guy wrote to understand it's a huge problem and it needs to be corrected.

    If this continues on, the emerging church will quickly disappear from the pages of history, and I for one think it won't be soon enough.

  3. I agree. This junk is getting so far off of being centered in Christ, it can't even be identified with Him any longer.

    It's good to see someone outside of the institutional church take them to task for their obvious abandonment of Jesus.

  4. We really do need to get back to focusing on the eternal purpose and idea that God had from before creation, which was to fill all things with Himself.

    Not only are these things not centered on Him in this case, but it has actually become an enemy of his.
