Monday, December 7, 2009
Rebecca St. James has stayed on message during her lifetime as a recording artist and Christian, supporting the True Love Waits campaign, and most recently, landing the lead role in pro-life film "Sarah's Choice."
Saying her most recent interest in supporting pro-life issues came about from hearing a coupld of friends tell her how devastating it was when the decided to allow their babies to be aborted. Even since she has also supported crisis pregnancy centers.
St. Jame claims that God had recently called her to take up residence in California in order to help bring a Christian perspective to films coming out of Hollywood as opportunities arose.
Once St. James' passion was ignited, she says she knew a song would come to her about celebrating the beauty of life. Named "Little One," it was made to be part of the movie she is starring in.
As far as the film, being produced by Pure Flix, it focuses on an unplanned pregnancy by a young woman, who then has to deal with the decision on whether or not to bring the baby to full term.
St. James acknowledges in the film there is a solid support system around her character in helping her make the right decision, but in real life that isn't always the case, and so “A lot of girls need people to step in and say, ‘We will love you. We will be Jesus’ hands and feet. We will help you make this right decision,’” St. James said.
In conclusion, Rebecca says that Jesus wants us to pour our lives out, along with our love, to protect all the babies or little ones from being aborted.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Because Jesus stated there is nothing that matters more than that, and even said to Martha when confronting Jesus about Mary not helping her, that Mary chose the one thing only matters, and He wasn't going to take that away from her.
But the battle we face every day is in not only continuing to believe what Jesus said, but to continue living it in the midst of endless pressures, interruptions and needs.
Jesus also said in Matthew 6:25: "Take no thought for your life." If we are to take no thought for our lives, how much thought for our lives does that leave us? That's right - zero.
Let's not get flaky with what Jesus said, He didn't mean we don't focus on what we need to do in the moment, he's talking, again, how people worry and so choke off the value and fruit of what fellowship with Jesus Christ brings about in us; assuming we maintain our focus on Him and not on the outward circumstances around us.
Usually distractions come from pressures from needs; things like paying bills, money, food, clothing, and a host of other things that fight to be kept in our thoughts and vision.
Deceitfulness of riches, cares of this world; Jesus says to be anxious for nothing. I believe Him, and so should all of us. The reason is there will always be some type of need or circumstance we're worried about at any one time if we allow ourselves to look at it.
That's why Jesus said "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." In other words, there's enough to take care of in the day you face, don't add to it by looking ahead to the future which is in God's hands.
Think of all these things like a dessert always trying to slowly expand and claim fertile land, making land basically useless for anything.
This is what happens when we take thought of the future which isn't even here yet, and takes us away from the simplicity of devotion to Christ, which was what the original temptation was all about.
Jesus said that worry changes nothing, and so when we look toward the future in the sense of things that will, could, or might happen, there is absolutely nothing we can do to change it. And if we attempt to, usually we'll make matters worse, and still be taken off of our fellowship with Christ.
One temptation to watch in all of this, especially when we attempt to apply reasoning, common sense and logic to this, is to start to think Jesus can't relate to us in this way. The truth is we're taught that Jesus was tempted in every way as we are, and yet He said He only did what He saw the Father doing or would only speak what the Father was speaking. That means He refused to allow what was unknown ahead distract Him from that which only mattered.
Even more, He knew He had come into the world to offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins in order to bring us back into relationship with the Godhead, yet He didn't sit there dwelling on that inevitable reality until the time when He needed to, and the Father told Him to.
Don't let the desert of worries and concerns move you off of the very purpose Jesus created us: to be in constant fellowship with Him through faith in Him. Anything else truly doesn't matter.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The scriptures teach us we are not to follow every wind of doctrine, and the Lord Jesus has provided us with the means to resist false and spurious doctrine which leads us into all directions but the right one.
But let me say this before anything else; even if everything about global warming, climate change and environmentalism were true, I would still say what I've been saying, and it changes nothing.
Now the things being foisted upon us aren't true, but it's the underlying purpose of God that's at stake, and nothing in this life or world was meant to distract us from that, no matter how
it's presented to us.
So let's again look at the eternal purpose of God in Jesus Christ, which trumps everything else, and really, shows us there is nothing else.
The end of the eternal purpose of God, and that which has dwelt in Him and has been part of Him from before creation, is that He will fill everything with Himself, that He may be all in all. That's it! End of plan! No confusion! Nothing else! Period! Got it?
Everything in this - our selves, the world, and our spiritual enemy, works toward moving us away from God's eternal purpose, and is done quite creatively.
Remember the extraordinary response of Jesus Christ to the situation with Martha and Mary, where Martha complained that Mary wasn't helping her serve everyone?
Jesus first of all identified the source of Martha's complaint: she was always worried about so many things. Then He corrected her by saying Mary was doing the only thing that was really necessary for a human being, and He wasn't going to take that away from her.
What was it? She was simply humbling herself at the feet of Jesus listening to and fellowshipping with Him and the others at their home.
To be filled with Jesus Christ to the point of Him being all in all is to humbly and quietly walk with and before Him while He permeates and imparts Himself to us within; on a moment by moment and daily basis. It's nothing less and nothing more than that. That's why we were created, and that's why Jesus Christ created us. That's our purpose with nothing else added to it.
What all these other things do is take our attention off of what is really important so that we can get caught up with and think we're doing something important because we're busy blabbing about it or somehow taking part in it in a way that makes us thing we're saving the planet or some other delusion of grandeur.
The cost is fellowship with and centering our lives on Jesus Christ. I believe one of the major reasons we cooperate with this, aside from allowing ourselves to be led astray, is because true fellowship with Jesus Christ is a death blow to our self, and we don't like to walk in the light as He is in the light, as it eventually exposes who we are, and we don't like that.
So it's easier to follow a bunch of causes which do nothing to build the person of Jesus Christ within us, but actually becomes an enemy of God because it takes us away from what He has always only cared about: being with us in a loving and intimate way, in order that we are changed into His image.
Causes, possibly more than anything else in our generation, draw and entice us away from the Lord's purpose to chase after endless rainbows and salvation projects which we feel are more important than Christ.
Part of the reason for this is enshrinement of politics as the agent of change rather than Jesus Christ in His people. So you go chasing after confisgated money called taxes to get your share so you can chase the latest activist fads.
Much of this is generated by fear and torment that the world is going to end, and people embrace it as if it's a statement of fact and faith, and don't bother to check assertions out to see if they're even true.
This is why there are tools used by evil people to attempt to pressure the masses into allowing legislation to be enacted, which of course must be done today if we're going to have a world tomorrow. That's an old but effective tactic used to tap into the innate fears so many people have and to make them believe the government can be our savior.
Only Jesus Christ is our Savior, and there is nothing else that can be allowed to replace Him in our lives in that capacity. Government for a long time has been attempting to push Jesus Christ and Christianty out of the equation in order to position itself as god to the people. The fact that many of you reading this aren't even aware of that and have embraced that uncritically shows how far down the rabbit hole you've traveled.
Again, as I've mentioned several times recently, winds of doctrine doesn't only refer to doctrine about Jesus Christ, but it refers to teachings and assertions made from generation to generation which attempt to sway the masses to believe a lie in order to gain more power and control, effectively placing Jesus Christ as some type of usurper or fraud who needs to take His place as one of the many gods out there, and quit attempting to assert His rights as the only God of this universe, although He is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
I will never stop calling for people to abandon the misguided and baseless assertions connected to environmental and other causes like that, which in many cases are based upon outright lies and manufactured data, and at best need time to work out as we gain wisdom.
But people who even name Christ have bought into this or have become pragmatic in order to gather those who insist upon this being part of the Church, when Paul told Timothy that a good soldier of Jesus Christ isn't to get caught up in the affairs of this world.
So now what are you going to do about that wisdom of the Holy Spirit spoken through Paul to Timothy, and by extention - to us
Friday, July 31, 2009
Why bring this up on Acts 29 Review? Because so many of you have been duped for years about so many things that you have accepted them as fact, when indeed, in most cases there's no prove, just the thought that it sound cool or sounds right, so by faith you simply accept it.
More importantly, you start to pursue these things as a cause, and in doing so get way off track of what the eternal purpose of God is in Jesus Christ, or even know that there is such a thing.
I'll get more into that in the near future, but for now, all that environmental, global warming, climate change stuff?, don't worry or fret about it. Most of it is unproven nonsense based on people with agendas you probably wouldn't believe, but who infiltrated the educational systems of the world a long time ago and have brainwashed you at a time when you trusted them as reliable and honest.
Even with near total control of education and the media, many of these false and unproven theories still aren't believed by many people, and they're being stripped of their credibility as people break through the media blackouts and honest people talk about the reality of what's really happening.
While I've known of many studies about organic food not really being any more beneficial than other food for years, it's good to hear this group of studies being reported on as a solid confirmation of that fact.
Here's how an article reported it:
"Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine said consumers were paying higher prices for organic food because of its perceived health benefits, creating a global organic market worth an estimated $48 billion in 2007.
"Our review indicates that there is currently no evidence to support the selection of organically over conventionally produced foods on the basis of nutritional superiority."
Now you know why organic food has been touted as better than other food; $48 billion reasons why. This information was culled from a reveiw of 162 scientific papers over the last 50 years.
For us Christians, we must learn to not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. This isn't just talking about theology or things about Christ, but things like we're talking about here, where you can believe in simple stuff like this when there is nothing but a false faith being used to be convinced of it.
The point is to stay in fellowship with Christ, don't get involved and caught up with the affairs of this world, and enjoy life and all that Christ has in it - for and with us.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The idea of running after every wind of doctrine is a sympton of not growing up in the Lord, and of the lack of foundational planting in our lives.
Every wind of doctrine must be understood as not just strange or weird teachings about Christ, but also many of the obsessive meanderings the world always pursues and partakes in; most of the time expressed in the endless number of causes always brought up as vital to the continued existence of the human race, or other such drivel.
You know, things like the global warming or climate change hoax, saving the whales, or the evil of capitalism, etc.; none of which the eternal purpose of God has anything to do with.
Anyway, the reason I included this video is to show the principle behind living quiet and peaceable lives and not looking to be someone in this world.
I like the fact that this young man anonymously played this song, which as of this writing has enjoyed being viewed over 61,000,000 times on YouTube.
You don't get the feeling when watchin him play that he's doing it for the purpose of showing off or trying to garner attention, rather he's simply expressing something of what he has and sharing it with the rest of us.
He was so anonymous that the New York Times attempted to find him at one time, and it took their people and resources 8 months to do it. This young man didn't do this for the purpose of being found or discovered.
The point is we in our lives in the Lord also must come to the place of simply living from and unto Jesus Christ. There is no other purpose we were made for, and anything that distracts from that should be considered something that must be dealt with.
Don't be deceived by the endless do-gooders that claim the thing they're promoting is a must if we want to survive, or needs to be done or millions will perish.
Many times, if not most the time in history, those attempting to do good end up doing more harm because of their intervention, having no idea about cause and effect, and destroy in some cases, millions of lives.
What we must embrace and understand is that Jesus Christ isn't moved by need, and He wants our undivided and devoted attention as we walk daily in the everyday aspects of our lives in Him.
For the most part Christ isn't interested in our becoming known in this world, rather He's interested in us responding to Him in the little things of life, and considering them as vitally important to Him, whether anyone else in the world is aware of it or not.
That's why I brought up this young man in the video. He's touched millions of lives with his music without attempting to be known or without a known purpose other than sharing it with those watching it.
Whether anyone sees us or not in our fellowship with Christ and the little things we daily do unto Him doesn't matter, we just continue on faithfully serving and living from and unto Him regardless.
We're simply called to be ordinary people fellowshipping with an extraordinary Jesus Christ.
Every wind of doctrine
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
But one of the many hoaxes connected to a series of hoaxes continues to disrupt and distract Christians from that endeavor, so I thought I'd include an article from another writer here to deal with one of the environmental hoaxes: global warming.
Like I said, the point is to understand the reasoning behind global warming fiction, and then discard it as a distraction to knowing and learning Christ, and get back on that path, which is the purpose for our creation and existencel
Here's the article in its entirety:
It's Not Just That Global Warming Is Fake. What Matters Is Why This Fakery Is Being Promoted.
Global warming is based 100% on junk science. The most vocal promoters are not interested in the details of physical science. They are interested in two things: political control over the general public and the establishment of international socialism.
Junk Science vs. Real Science
For a detailed, footnoted, 12-page article, written by three scientists, two with Ph.D's from CalTech, click here.
This paper was sent to tens of thousands of natural scientists in the United States.
Over 31,000 scientists have put their reputations on the line and signed a politically incorrect petition opposing the 1997 Kyoto agreement or protocol. Here is a photocopy of a signed petition.
Here is a letter from a former president of the National Academy of Sciences. He asks recipients of the petition to sign it.
Back in the 1970's, the bugaboo was the coming ice age, as this Time Magazine article promoted. Not to be outdone, Newsweek got on board. The article warned: "Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climatic change, or even to allay its effects." Want more examples? Click here.
It, too, was based on junk science. It, too, had the same solution: government control over the economy. The goal never changes: government management over the economy. The justification has changed. If the voters won't accept control over their lives on the basis of one brand of junk science, maybe they will accept another. As they used to say in the Nixon Administration: "Let's run this up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes."
Socialism's Last Stand
The global warming movement is not about global warming. It is about the creation of an international political control arrangement by which bureaucrats who favor socialism can gain control over the international economy.
This strategy was stated boldly by economist Robert Heilbroner in 1990. Heilbroner, the multi-millionaire socialist and author of the best-selling history of economic thought, The Worldly Philosophers, wrote the manifesto for these bureaucrats. He did this in an article, "Reflections: After Communism," published by The New Yorker (Sept. 10, 1990).
In this article, he made an astounding admission. He said that Ludwig von Mises had been right in 1920 in his article, "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth." Mises argued that without private ownership, central planners could not know what any resource is worth to consumers. With no capital market, the planners would be flying blind.
Heilbroner said that for 70 years, academic economists had either ignored this article or dismissed it without answering it. Then Heilbroner wrote these words: "Mises was right."
Heilbroner was one of these people. There is no reference to Mises in The Worldly Philosophers.
This admission was the preliminary section of Heilbroner's manifesto. He was cutting off all hope by socialists that there is a theoretically plausible response to Mises. The free market economy will always outproduce a socialist economy. Get used to it, he said.
Then, in the second section, he called on his socialist peers to get behind the ecology movement. Here, he said, is the best political means for promoting central planning, despite its inefficiency. In the name of ecology, he said, socialists can get a hearing from politicians and voters.
The article is not online. An abstract is. Here is the concluding thought of the abstract.
The direction in which things are headed is some version of capitalism, whatever its title. In Eastern Europe, the new system is referred to as Not Socialism. Socialism may not continue as an important force now that Communism is finished. But another way of looking at socialism is as the society that must emerge if humanity is to cope with the ecological burden that economic growth is placing on the environment. From this perspective, the long vista after Communism leads through capitalism into a still unexplored world that roust [must?] be safely attained and settled before it can be named.
Heilbroner did not care that a worldwide government-run economic planning system would not be called called socialism. He just wanted to see the system set up.
Heilbroner's peers got the message. That was what Kyoto was all about.
If you like poverty, inefficiency, and bureaucratic controls over the economy, and therefore control over your choices, the "climate change" movement is ideal.
If you want to subsidize China and India, neither of which will enforce the rules laid down by unelected international bureaucrats, this movement is for you.
If you want to pay more for less energy, there is no better way than to pass the cap and tax bill which the House has passed. It will be sent to the U.S. Senate next week.
The rest of us should oppose it.
----- end article -----
Again, the point of including this on Acts 29 Review, is to understand the forces behind the global warming, climate change hoax, and not allow it to upset and distract you from the only important thing in life - knowing and fellowshipping with Jesus Christ.
Friday, June 19, 2009
In the June 16 entry in the devotional, he comments on a couple of things that are very insightful and needful for the times we live in.
Commenting on laying down our lives, he correctly identifies the difference between that "heroic" dying that everyone remembers, and the day-to-day laying down of our lives in the quiet obscurity, which most of our lives are.
What Oswald Chambers says is it's far easier to die in that heroic way than to walk the daily path of life in this way before the Lord and toward our brethren.
Chambers adds, "We are not made for brilliant moments, but we have to walk in the light of them in ordinary ways." He refers to Jesus not having these types of moments, other than possibly the transfiguration, which was only witnessed by three men.
I might add when he came in riding on the donkey and was hailed as the King, may have been another moment, but even there strong opposition happened as He humbly rode in the midst of the people. It wasn't exactly the things made of kings which the world would have wanted.
When John said "we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren," he wasn't speaking of that very public and heroic way that disciples like Peter envisioned, but rather, again, the daily laying down of our lives for one another.
This reminds me of the very godly sister named Margaret Barber, who had a profound effect on Watchman Nee, and by extension, an untold number of Chinese believers of that day, and many more long past her and Watchman Nees deaths.
Barber was stationed at one town in China, and opposition from Christians arose, and she refused to harm Christ and His testimony in any way, so she moved to a tiny little village, where she worked unto the Lord in obscurity, although many of those used by the Lord would travel there to get her input and insights.
There she battled for Watchmen Nee and others having an impact on China for Christ by pushing them to knowing Christ experienctially, rather than primarily as an intellectual knowing and understanding.
She didn't attempt to gain attention, and other than maybe a dozen pages of writing about her, there is almost nothing known of her life on earth for the Lord, yet she had an extraordinary spiritual impact - the only one that really counts.
You can only have that by laying you life down for others and not looking for the attention so many others crave when they're working and living unto Christ.
Remarkably, very few believers are willing to walk this quiet way before the Lord, simply living unto Him and pouring themselves out daily for their brethren.
We need far more of this among believers today, and hopefully those that may discover this little encouragement will find it within themselves to lay down their lives for one another on a daily basis and in a way that desires no attention or need for being acknowledged.
Being known is overrated, and it's far better to live before the Lord in a quiet, peaceful and unpretentious way, than to attempt to be noticed.
Very few people can successfully live in the public eye while maintaining their walk in Christ. And even if they find themselves able to keep away from falling, there is, for the most part, an almost impossible challenge of maintaining a close walk with the Lord, laying down of their lives, and not thinking of themselves as more important than they really are.
Paul was exasperated by this when he wrote letters to the churches, reminding them that men are nothing and Christ is everything. Those with reputations didn't impress Paul, and neither should it impress us - nor should we seek for it.
Far too many believers think of the "ministry" as some type of extra thing they go out and do outside the body of Christ, while in practice it was meant to be a daily sharing of the life of Christ together, where people simply talked about Christ and what He was doing in their lives.
That was really what was ministry, which today has become the disastrous idea of professionalism and being special, rather than being a part of daily laying down of our lives unto the Lord and for one another.
Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Jerusalem
For many Christians buying into the myriad causes and schemes to save "mother earth" through environmental activism, it's past time to throw that mostly nonsense away and find you who your real mother is. It isn't earth, it's New Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven.
Environmental activism is one of the biggest swindles since Darwinism, and far too many Christians are entering into it in belief they're saving mother earth, which as I said for Christians, isn't our mother.
As a matter of fact, if Christians were to do a little research and studying past the hype and tenets behind much of environmentalism, they'd find out a lot of it is not only based and sourced in paganism, but a lot of it is based on lies and innuendo, rather than facts and reality.
Global warming is one of those, as the earth has been cooling for over a decade, thousands of scientists say the computer models it's based on are faulty, and many of the areas it's being measured in are close to local areas like plants that are warmer than the real air around it.
I could go on with this, but I don't want to get off the real purpose for writing this article, and that is to remind believers in Christ that New Jerusalem is our mother and not the earth.
We are born again from above by the Spirit, and when that truly happens in someone, we are no longer part of this world, in the sense that we don't live by its premises and ways of life, which are always against the image and reality of Christ Himself.
Jesus said of His disciples near the end of His time on earth that just like He wasn't of this world, neither were they, and by extension, neither should we be.
Paul said again in one of His letters to Timothy that a good soldier of Christ doesn't get involved with the affairs of this world.
The New King James Version says, "No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier."
In Colossians 3:1-3 Paul said, "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
How much plainer can it be than that? Paul says "if." If you've been raised with Christ (which you have been if you're really a believer in Christ), then you are to seek those things which are above, not things on this earth. Any questions? There shouldn't be.
This is part of what Jesus meant when the disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, and part of Jesus' response was for the Father's kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
When we see New Jerusalem -our true mother - coming out of heaven, that's part of what that is referring to; not some silly idea of a physical entity dropping out of outer space, like some people have implied.
What is New Jerusalem? It is God in His people. That's our mother: Christ in us. (But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all Gal 4:26.)
When we read about New Jerusalem and listen to the language describing it, we can get so caught up into its grandeur, that we miss the simple and easy understanding of what's inside of it.
So what is inside New Jerusalem that makes it our mother? There's a throne, a street, a river and a tree, and an exit out where all the evil lies. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. 15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie."
We must understand that when Jesus came to earth, He was New Jerusalem come down out of heaven, it was just that He was all of it in Himself, which wasn't His purpose, as He was meant to inhabit and fill a people with and unto Himself, which results in the fulfillment of His eternal purpose, which is to be all in all.
This is why when John is taken to the city he first sees the patriarchs and the twelve apostles before entering the city. That's significant. Not because man is first, but because the new man holds that which John was about to be revealed: Christ Himself in His people; the very purpose for creation.
There are a lot of things mentioned about the outer part of the bride of the Lamb, but it's because of what's inside that makes the outer what it is.
So what does it mean to have New Jerusalem as our mother? It means the spirit of God has now come down from heaven and inhabits His people. He's brought His throne, a river, a tree, fruit, light, a lamb, God and a street of gold with Him. Those things are what make up what births us in Christ. That's what begins to work in us when we are born from above, or born again.
Another significant factor in John seeing this is there is a oneness there between Christ and the people He's indwelling. She has been "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
What is New Jerusalem adorned with? The very nature of Christ which we partake in. When the description of the outward things of the bride are revealed, it's saying what is being seen without is the result of that which has been birthed within. This is something that has come down out of heaven from the only and one true God and planted within His people. That's what's supposed to happen when a person is born again. The very life or sperma of God is planted within him as a seed, and it grows throughout his lifetime as an open heart before God is retained.
The two now have become one, as the inner and outer are without contradiction, like the life of the Father and Jesus when He lived on the earth as the son of man living only by the life of the Father in Him.
This is what we are called to in this world, as New Jerusalem, our mother who is free, comes down out of heaven to dwell within His people. New Jerusalem is Christ in us.
We need to quit focusing on a false mother and live by our mother who is free, coming down now from heaven.
New Jerusalem
Thursday, May 21, 2009

It seems the only way money-grubbing scientists are able to continue the hoax that there is a link between man and animals, is to shout it out in the media so people believe there is credibility to the claims, even though one hoax after another has been exposed as false through the years.
When you see this type of shout in the media concerning the latest assertion that the missing link is found the weakening theory of evolution, you know there's a motive behind it, other than the usual attempt to pretend there is no creation, because there's no God.
With the weak economy, and research funds drying up, we'll find out eventually that this is just a marketing scheme to attract more funds; otherwise scientists would have to go out and get real jobs.
You wait and see. This will prove false as anything else in the past, and scientists will take another blow against their growing lack of credibility.
There unwillingness to debate creationists contributes to their cowardly persona as well, as they refuse to go in front of the public and be demolished and proven to be the hucksters they really are.
Already other scientists are saying there are tons of questions about the assertions being made by those examining this thing, and there's no confirmation or proof whatsoever that it's even what they say it is, as far as the lemur/monkey mixture.
Others are trying hard to tone down the hype that this has been the nail in the coffin for Christians who believe that God created the world, as they know the blowback this time will be hard and swift, as the louder you shout and are heard, the longer people remember you assertions.
HeeHee. Too late. Jesus definitely has a sense of humor, and does catch man in what he thinks is his craftiness. We'll eventually find out the falsity of the missing link drama, and scientists will slither back to their caves and lick their wounds for a decade or more until they think the public is ready for another round of the latest false missing link.
Too bad "Ida," you're just another fossil laying underneath the earth. Too bad scientists, you're continually being exposed for being inept and the frauds you're increasingly becoming.
I vote to drop all funding of this nutty theory and its adherents. What a waste of money that could be used for purposes that really make a difference.
If you think that I'm just blowing in the wind about the money motivation behind this farce, just know that the 200th anniversary of the ultimate con, Darwin, is just around the corner. Oh, wait, maybe it's just some type of miracle.
In other news, bigfoot was again spotted by campers who unfortunately had their camera malfunction just at the time they were going to snap a shot at the legendary creature.
Update: Some evolutionists already pointing out flaws in Ida missing link Hoax:
Many paleontologists are unconvinced. They point out that Hurum and Gingerich's analysis compared 30 traits in the new fossil with primitive and higher primates when standard practice is to analyze 200 to 400 traits and to include anthropoids from Egypt and the newer fossils of Eosimias from Asia, both of which were missing from the analysis in the paper. "There is no phylogenetic analysis to support the claims, and the data is cherry-picked," says paleontologist Richard Kay, also of Duke University. Callum Ross, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago in Illinois agrees: "Their claim that this specimen should be classified as haplorhine is unsupportable in light of modern methods of classification."
Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm not holding out hope that it'll be positive, as it sounds like Christians will be made to look like barbarians storming the gates of Hypatia of Alexandria, who is supposedly fighting to "save the collected wisdom of the ancient world," which it looks like the Christians will be portrayed as physically attacking.
Another storyline is her slave named Davus, who is looking to join Christianity in hopes of becoming free. Davus also falls in love with the atheist, pagan Hypatia, causing him to be torn between her and his freedom, i.e. joining Christianity.
If I'm understanding this right, is sounds like it's the "intolerant" Christians agains screwing everything up by not accepting the paganism of the time. If that's true, some things never change with our enemies.
The other part of the story, which includes a possible Christian (if that's what Davos is) falling in love with a complete atheist, which is something true Christians wouldn't allow themselves to do in that time.
As far as the quality of the cinematics of the film, it looks like they're fantastic, but if the storyline is tainted, that won't do anything to salvage the show if it is just another attempt to bash Christians and make them look like they're always fanatical louts.
Some reviews after Cannes confirm that it's really not going to do well, as it's evidently extremely boring, and interprets the past from the silliness of a progressive (liberal, socialist) perspective. Media never learns it seems.
Too bad, the plot had a lot of potential to bring out some fascinating storylines, and it's destroyed by the extreme prejudices against Christianity, and a lack of understanding even the basics of its premises.
Another extremely stupid part of the story, is the attempt again to make Hypatia a career woman of those times, shunning a husband because of her work (yawn).
Directing Agora was Alejandro Amendabar (”The Others”), and starring with Weisz is Max Minghella, who plays Davos. Also with roles in the film are be Oscar Isaac, Ashraf Barhom, Rupert Evans, Sami Samir, Michael Lonsdale and Manuel Cauchi.
Movie Trailer for "Agora"
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Christ In Us
When we talk of knowing and loving the Lord in a real way, we must understand that we're talking about a walk of faith; of knowing He dwells in our spirit within us, and there we meet and fellowship with Christ.
We must learn to be comfortable with living and moving within an unseen realm within us, without getting weird about it, as some people do.
To walk in invisible realms of our spirit, it must and can only be done by faith.
Why? Because Christ hasn't granted us the ability to use our natural eyes or senses to fellowship and dwell in that realm. It's an invisible realm and invisible God, but the results definitely end up being seen, as they manifest in our outer lives.
How does one practically do this then? Again, by faith.
By faith we know Jesus Christ dwells within true children of God. So when we focus on Him within our spirit, we believe that we're there with Him.
Next, whether we feel it or not, we believe our hearts or turned toward Him and fellowshipping with Him.
There's really not much more to entering into this extraordinary walk with the Lord than this. It's all by faith, motivated by His love; for faith works by love, as the scriptures teach us.
In that believe and position, we simply wait before Him in His presence together, and in peace enjoy being with Him. Again, it doesn't matter how you feel, you're there with Him, and in peace in His presence.
There is a lot of fruit which can come forth from this practice and reality, and those that will bear that fruit can only do it by faith in what Christ has said, and that He indwells the children of God.
Christ In Us
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Never has there been more clutter in our lives than there is today. The enormous amount of information and in-your-face communication is so invasive, its come to the point where it can have a negative effect on our walk with Jesus Christ and knowing Him.
If we really want a chance of having a significant relationship and fellowship with Christ, we need to take steps to counter the waves of information being thrown at us.
One thing that believers that have had a close walk with Christ through the centuries have all had in common, is learning to tune out the world and look to the Lord within them.
In our modern age, there's nothing more important than simply cutting off the source of the information and communication overload.
When I say cut it off, I don't mean permanently, otherwise we'd have to be out of the world. I mean we need to simply turn off all the gadgets we use to receive information, and sit quietly before the Lord and fellowship with Him.
That includes your telephones, television, Internet, newspaper, etc.
In other words, don't give in to the temptation to grab print or digital gadgets, computers or newspapers. As soon as you do, they're made to grab your attention and draw you in.
In no time at all you're distracted so quickly that hopes of securing quality time with the Lord becomes hopeless.
Rather, what we should do is close ourselves off from it periodically, and better at set times, and simply fellowship with the Lord without distraction.
If you're too busy to do that, then maybe you need to think of lifestyle changes.
This is what Jesus was talking about when He talked about the parable of the seed and the sower. If you've got all the distractions of life combating you, it's impossible for the fruit of fellowship with Him to come forth. It's always full of mixture, which has no value before the Lord.
Once you practice quieting yourself before the Lord, from there the practice can become more consistent, and you can learn to do it in the midst of the hussle and bussle of life. That takes time and practice though, and you've got to start somewhere, which is why quiet time is so important.
So how does one enter into the presence of the Lord? It's simply and immediately by faith. We don't need to feel Him or sense Him, rather we know He lives within us, and that He defines eternal life as fellowship with Him and the Father.
In other words, the desire and will is there on Jesus' part to fellowship intimately with us, so it falls on us to allow the clutter to fall away and simply enjoy the presence of God within us by faith.
That's the key. Exterior clutter is an enemy of our walk with Jesus, so it's our job to ensure we don't get distracted by all the outward things that always pressure upon us.
The truth is those outward things and problems will always be there. Get rid of one and another will surface. That's the way of life in this world. We'll always have troubles here.
So we must learn to continue to fellowship with the Lord, individually and corporately, while those storms of life are always beating down upon us.
If we don't, the desire of the heart of God to be in a love relationship with us will be frustrated, and we'll be a people most miserable.
By the way, this isn't just in relationship to difficult things in life either. Be wary of those people always chasing causes and not Christ.
That's just the 'good' side of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You can get easily led away from the simplicity of Christ in the name of good; sometimes even more so.
Jesus is interested in life and not good. Jesus defines eternal life as fellowship with Him and the Father. It's as simple as that.
The fact that He defines eternal life that way, means it was something in the Godhead that was before time and creation. It was what was of value to God, and what motivated Him to create us.
This doesn't mean we don't do good, just that we don't obsess with the knowledge of good as pushed upon us from without by the world. All you have to do is read the hideous amount of alleged crises out there, and you could become borderline psychotic in despair because it looks like the world is about to fall apart at any time.
Don't worry though, Jesus is still Lord, and has everything under control. Be cautious of those that use time as a weapon to move you off your position of fellowship with Christ.
Time is a tool of manipulation used to get us to give our time and money to something, that if we didn't, the world would surely end.
We see this all the time with those who attempt to use politics as a tool to get what they want, and to enforce their will on the rest of us.
Anyway, be careful of anything that draws you away from the simplicity of Christ, as Paul warns us in the Scriptures.
One of the greatest practices to ensure that is to take quiet time with the Lord, shutting out all outside influences, and from there learn to do it on a daily, and eventually moment by moment basis.
Just ask Jesus to give you the will and wisdom in it, and He surely will answer you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Many Christians have a desire to have a deeper relationship with Christ, but struggle to enter into one; many times thinking it's just not possible or attainable in this world.
While a number of believers may not say it that way, their actions do.
Assuming there is a determined honesty to someone wanting to know the Lord Jesus, there are a couple of things to remember before going in and talking about it.
When Jesus taught the crowds the parable of the sower, He brought His disciples aside and said this in Mark 4:
13 “Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?
The point He was making was extraordinary. Parable reflected the realities of who Christ was and the Kingdom of God. This specific parable was a foundational parable that gives meaning to the rest.
Jesus was basically saying that if they didn't understand this one, the rest would be misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Continuing on, Jesus gives the interpretation of the meaning of this foundational - parables of parables:
14 The sower sows the word.
15 And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts. 16 These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness; 17 and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake, immediately they stumble. 18 Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word, 19 and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. 20 But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
I only bring this up not to get into the scriptures above, but to say that getting to know Jesus Christ is determined by the obstacles above, and overcoming them in Him.
A walk with the Lord can't be without conflict, challenge; both within and without. That's the point He makes above.
With that in mind, let's talk briefly about getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first and foremost thing that must be part of us is a detemination that no matter what happens, we will continue on with our walk with the Lord.
This doesn't mean we won't falter or stumble, but that even when we do, we allow Him to pick us up, while keeping our hearts open to Him.
If we don't have this, no matter what else we do, it'll be pretty hopeless and fruitless. The reason why is instead of going two steps forward and one step back, we basically take one step forward and then go one step back; making no progress, and if we're fortunate, just barely holding on to what we do have of Christ.
Now this doesn't mean we won't feel that way, just that the reality must be forward progress, and not going nowhere.
So with determination must come the desire to want to walk with Christ, even when we know we'll meet the cross immediately, and who we are begin to be weakened that Christ may show forth. This of course takes a lifetime, so we must settle into a marathon, and not a sprint mentality.
That way when we do go through struggles, we can hold on knowing they are temporary, and eventually the Lord will bring us through them.
One thing to keep in mind with the two things mentioned here - determination and desire to know Jesus Christ - we can't do it without Him. So we must ask Him to give us that determination, while also giving us the desire to know Him better in the midst of adversity and struggles, or in the best of times as well.
Without Him we can do nothing.
While there is the direct knowing of Christ, beyond that there is the knowing of Christ in fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Modern day church practices make it almost impossible to do that, which is a major reason for Acts29review blog and website, which challenges and calls for the church of Jesus Christ to return to a more organic church experience and practice, which empowers believers to know Christ individually and corporately.
At this time I'm not going to get into too many practicals in this, as it's most important to ask the Lord Jesus to cultivate within us the desire and determine to continue to know and fellowship within, before we think of practical ways on how to do it.
One of the better books you can get and read on that is from Jeanne Guyon called Experiencing The Depths of Jesus Christ, which you can look at and purchase below if you choose.
Once you start on a path in learning to know and fellowship with Christ, eventually it becomes a simple, immediate and continuous step of faith you walk and live in.
It's nothing more than turning to Him within you, and from a corporate standpoint, living, sharing and walking in that together.
In reality, that's the way Christ becomes all in all, and that's the process and the end result of what is called the eternal purpose of God, where we literally bear and are changed into the image of Christ while we walk in Him together.

There can be nothing but admiration from Christians over the bold, brave and true remark by Miss California Carrie Prejean, who said in response to a question on what she thought about legalizing marriage between homosexuals, that she didn't believe in it, and marriage was meant to be between a man and a woman.
Prejean answered saying, "And you know what in my country, in my family I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be, between a man and a woman."
Many in the audience applauded her answer, along with millions watching on the television across the world.
Of course the fading so-called mainstream media made it look like she was representing a minority of people, when indeed, the majority of Americans assert and believe marriage was meant for only a man and a woman; especially Christians.
When you see a bunch of cowardly alleged Christian leaders, who are more religious celebrities, rather than true godly men, backing away from the issue as if the Holy Scriptures had nothing to say about it through the Holy Spirit, Prejean is definitely a hero in my mind, and represents what the majority of Americans, and more importantly - Jesus Christ - believe about the issue.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

We of course should need no reason other than Christ Himself to stay centered in Him, but a lot of people with a variety of agendas continue to hammer through the mainstream and online media that global warming - or as now called - climate change, is about to destroy the earth (yawn).
New evidence points to the continue absurdity and outright lie and/or incompetence of those perpetrating this fear on people in order to forward their hidden purposes.
As far as those of us who are believers, don't be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Those scriptures aren't just talking about things concerning Christ and Christianity, but all the endless nonsense being spewed forth in the world, which when we trace it back, brings us to the temptation to continue eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, rather than the tree of life which is Christ.
Here's how one person called it: "Dr Allison said there was not any evidence of significant change in the mass of ice shelves in east Antarctica nor any indication that its ice cap was melting. 'The only significant calvings in Antarctica have been in the west,' he said. And he cautioned that calvings of the magnitude seen recently in west Antarctica might not be unusual.
"Ice shelves in general have episodic carvings and there can be large icebergs breaking off - I'm talking 100km or 200km long - every 10 or 20 or 50 years."
Amazingly, this article finishes saying this, "A paper to be published soon by the British Antarctic Survey in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is expected to confirm that over the past 30 years, the area of sea ice around the continent has expanded."
Now the question must be raised on why this has happend over the last 30 years, and so-called scientists were supposedly on the completely wrong side of the reality of the situation.
Of course we never hear much that the earth has been cooling for over a decade either. That wouldn't fit in with the global warming orthodoxy that is as false and unsubstantiated as anything you could come up with.
Many Christian believers must ask themselves why they believe such things, when in fact if you do a little digging, you can easily find out these types of assertions based on fear are the norm for people declaring the castrophic accurances based on nothing but their own psychotic fears and agendas.
We must again find Christ and Christ alone as our foundation. We are to never move off of Him, and when we stay founded upon His person, most of the things attempted to be foisted upon believers in Jesus can easily be identified as hoaxes.
There is far more evidence against global warming than mentioned here. The point is to never let this type of stuff be the "exception" that causes us to have to deal with supposed crisis.
By the way, this is one way you can tell when someone's trying to fool and deceive you: are they saying it's an exception, and are they saying it has to be dealt with now?
If so, you know they're full of BS. The reason why this type of garbage is thrown on us in this way is to attempt to create an artificial crisis in order that we can suspend our beliefs in the reality that surrounds us, and take actions based upon nothing but unproven theories.
The worst thing for followers of Christ is to allow ourselves to be taken in by these contiuous lies, and so take our focus and attention off of Christ and onto something that is supposed to be more important.
If we are socialized into behaving that way, there will always be the next crisis; always the next big thing; always the world-ending situation that we must give our money, time and attention to, or mankind as we know we won't survive.
Next time you hear this snakeoil assertion, no matter where it's coming from or what it's about, run for the hills, or better yet - simply ignore it.
The only true problems we want to spend time with is with helping the poor, working on building a healthy family, and fellowshipping with Christ and His people.
I'll touch more on these distractions and the truth or error behind them in the future. I hesistate to do it too much because it can open up a whole can of worms that distracts from the purpose of Acts29Review, which is to focus on the ongoing purpose of God which was determined before time or creation came into being. Now that's something we can give ourselves to.
Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Real Meaning and Practice of 'Christian Ministry'
Ephesians 4:11-16 (New King James Version)
11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
The scriptures above are probably the most neglected and resisted from institutional Christianity as there ever has been. They completely undermine the idea of the Church practices we have seen, for centuries, and put the people of Jesus Christ at the center of what 'ministering' is under the new covenant.
But resistance from the existing priest/pastor clergy system continues, and it will keep on continuing, as the inclusion and acceptance of apostolic and prophetic ministry changes the entire equation ... as long as they're not simply more 'titled' men trying to be part of an institutional clergy. True apostles and prophets could never be.
Christian clergy today, for the most part, can't get past the idea of their being apostles and prophets, let alone being built upon the foundation they lay.
This isn't an article about prophets or apostles though, we can get into that another time. This is an article about ministry, and how ministry is defined in this passage from the scriptures.
Here's a breakdown of how it's said here:
equipping of the saints
for the work of ministry
for the edifying of the body of Christ
till we all come to the unity of the faith
of the knowledge of the Son of God
to a perfect man
to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ
that we should no longer be children
tossed to and fro
carried about with every wind of doctrine
by the trickery of men,
in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
but, speaking the truth in love,
may grow up in all things into Him who is the head — Christ
from whom the whole body,
joined and knit together by what every joint supplies
according to the effective working by which every part
does its share,
causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
So what is Christian ministry? It's the saints building one another up.
You see in the above scriptures the goal and result of all that. But it can't be done unless the people of Christ are the ones doing it. You can't get any clearer than that here.
The reason this scripture is ignored and resisted, is the only way this could happen would be for the present practices of Christianity to be abandoned, and a entirely new way of church life come forth.
Sure, there's a place for apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers; it's equipping the saints so the saints can do the work of the ministry.
The saints are to be equipped to do the ministry. How much clearer can that be said?
When's the last time you've seen a body of believers interacting and sharing Christ with one another, building each other up in a building? Not very often, if ever. Sitting looking at the front of an auditorium or building isn't built for it to happen. Rather, a relaxed, home-like atmosphere is the environment which this type of life comes forth.
The point being made here is that the saints of God, the ordinary believer, the people of God, they're the ones who are called to do the ministering.
What is considered the 'ministry' over the centuries, according to the scriptures, really isn't considered ministry at all.
I know you can grab a few scriptures where Paul and others may talk about the ministry, but they're referring to laying a foundation and equipping the saints. That's legitimate.
But the end of that is to have a people of Christ sharing and building up one another when they come together. That will never be done in the type of atmosphere where you have a pulpit or 'altar' set up for the audience to watch.
The saints of God were never meant to be an audience, but the very heart of Christ filling them up with Himself so they can share with one another those very things Christ is doing in them.
As a matter of fact, read the scriptures above, and you'll see that no one can become the things Christ has meant us to be without the body functioning in this way. That's why the body of Christ isn't that way, as listening to a lifetime of sermons from a variety of people was never the intention of God to get His people to grow into Christ.
Only Christ within His people can bring this about. All the things you read from these scriptures come about as the result of a people in an organic expression of Christ toward one another.
Truly, there can't be something practically called the body of Christ unless the individual parts are sharing the life of Christ with one another.
This of course isn't always, or primarily, done through only talking to one another in a group setting (although that is important), it's done through the numerous practical ways we give of ourselves and serve one another as well.
Unless the parts of the body are ministering to one another, there isn't a body; at least in a practical expression. It would be like saying our physical body is a body when most the parts aren't functioning. If that were the case, the body would be dead. And that's the case today with the people of God, as far as it relates to how the scriptures define 'the ministry.'
There is no 'work of the ministry,' unless the members of the body are ministering to one another.
The body won't be edified, unless the members do the edifying.
There won't be a unity of the faith, unless members of the body of Christ are doing their part.
The knowledge of the Son of God, as it relates to fulness, can never be known unless the members of the body show Him forth to one another.
Again, read above what it says, and see that unless the members of the body of Christ are functioning in this way, all that is expressed won't happen.
Every member of the body of Christ is to minister when getting together for a meeting, or when seeing one another on a daily basis. That can't be done under the existing institutional church system that most currently live under.
The many-membered body of Christ functioning one to another is the only way all of this can come about. That is true Christian ministry.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Many believers struggle with the idea of all the agendas being promoted out there in the world, sometimes getting confused as whether Jesus has something they want to get involved in or promote.
One of those many areas is environmentalism. Many church leaders are running to get involved in that arena, but there are a number of underlying problems with that.
First of all, the reason they're running to get involved is they did market research on many young people and they find out it is one of their concerns (even though it was fed to them all throughout there tenure in the government school system). In other words, they've been fed propaganda for so long they believe as fact - in many cases - things that have never been proven.
I hesitate to start talking about individual cases, as it would do more harm in that it would bring the focus back onto that instead of Christ, where it should be.
Does Jesus Christ care about environmentalism? I really don't think so. What eternal values does that bring? How does it glorify Jesus and become an expression of Him on the earth by chasing after all these dubious causes. The answer is: it doesn't!
God the Father poured everything that He is into His son Jesus Christ. All that God has ever wanted to show or say has been deposited in Christ. There is nothing more He's interested than than that.
From there He wants those who proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior to allow Him to form and shape Himself in them through the Spirit. The end of all that is that God may be all in all. The means is fellowship with the Father and Jesus by sharing it with other believers. To get distracted from that in any way, no matter what it is is to miss the eternal purpose of God in Christ.
So what does that have to do with environmentalism? Absolutely nothing. That's the point.
We've got to resist the desire to be pragmatic and go with every wind of doctrine that comes along, or we'll always be chasing the next important thing, and miss Christ Himself.
Some may say that it doesn't have to be either or, but can be both. No it can't. God hates mixture. That's the ultimate in His hatred of the principle of what Babylon is and what it represents. It's why Babylon means confusion. It mixes in a little bit of God with everything and then calls it Christian something or other. This is wrong and we need to abandon that mentality and practice.
When we stand before the Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit at the end of all things, it will be based upon how much of Christ has been shaped and formed within us that we'll be rewarded on, not on the endless causes we get involved in.
Anything that distracts us from the riches of Christ alone has to be abandoned, as there's no eternal value in them.
Why do you think things like this are so important? Again, you've been socialized into it by forces that have created a curriculum and teachers that have been ordered to teach it. They got hold of you when you were young and impressionable and basically brainwashed you into thinking this is the crucial need of our era. That tactic is nothing new, as there's always someone looking to put forth this type of silliness in order to get taxpayers money and think of themselves as important.
Other people are involved because they have been made fearful based on a lot of outright lying data that isn't checked to see if it is accurate or not, or whether there is significant alternative views that need to be answered.
One example, without getting into the background is global warming. The torment and fear based upon unproven computer models and theories is pushing for outrageous actions that will have a tremendous impact on people, even though it is probably a false concept that has been attempted to be pushed upon Christians and others by the media.
The point is we need to have discernment and wisdom concerning these things, and not believe all this stuff the world throws at us. God is in Christ, and Christ is in us through the Holy Spirit wanting to fellowship with one another and learn of Him with one another.
Chasing after causes and in most cases wrongly getting into activism at the loss of Christ is the wrong path to travel.
Christ in us is the hope of glory, and the glory in our lives now. Nothing else matters, and we need to throw off the chains the world continues to throw around us in order to control, influence and eventually destroy Christ's people.
He won't do it through direct confrontation because true Christians will dig in their heels and fight it. He does it through compromise and subtlety by getting us to think of things that look good to fight for are indeed being inspired by God, rather than a form of mixture that brings us into agreement and working with the world and its system. This ought not to be the way believers in Christ work.
Ask God for discernment, as it's one of things lacking in believers today, and we need it more than ever as many of the so-called issues facing us are wrapped in language most don't understand and promoted by a media we can no longer trust.
As far as the environment goes, the only environment Jesus cares about is the one He shares with His people when they are together fellowshipping with Him together.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's very important to note that in the book, - or really letter - of the revelation of Jesus Christ, all throughout the revelation Jesus Christ is referred to as the lamb. This is very important for His being the lamb is what released the effects of what was revealed of Christ, and it wouldn't have happened unless He was the lamb, and lived out being the Lamb of God.
While if we're truly believers in Christ, we all know that Jesus was the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world, and that's the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it relates to all men.
But in the revelation of Jesus Christ, it goes beyond simply being the lamb as far as being a door back to fellowship with God, but it reveals part of the very nature of God as revealed in Jesus Christ as the lamb of God.
It gets into the heart of the eternals before creation where we are told he was crucified before the foundation of the world; before creation. That speaks to us of the fact that being a lamb and bearing the cross was part of the nature of God Himself, not only an instrument to make man right with God because He knew man would sin. It was all of that of course, but also much more.
Here are a number of places in the Revelation of Jesus Christ that call Him the Lamb:
Rev 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
Rev 5:8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four [and] twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and goldenvials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.
Rev 5:13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, [be] unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
Rev 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
Rev 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Rev 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
Rev 7:10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
Rev 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Rev 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred 1540 forty [and] four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
Rev 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
Rev 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous [are] thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true [are] thy ways, thou King of saints.
Rev 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful.
Rev 19:9 And he saith unto me , Write, Blessed [are] they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Rev 21:9 Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
Rev 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Rev 21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
Rev 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb [is] the light thereof.
Rev 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither [whatsoever] worketh abomination, or [maketh] a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Rev 22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him :
Everything in relationship to God and man in Christ is because He was and is the Lamb of God. To have Christ worked within us as a lamb, or as the cross (obviously not as the Savior, but the characteristics of being lambs before God in Christ) deeply working in us to change us into His image.
We could walk in the depths of what the scriptures reveal to us about the Lord Jesus Christ being the lamb, and we will throughout eternity, but the major thing is to see Him as the lamb, and that He is working in us as the lamb so we can partake in His very nature in that way.
Look at the things attributed to Jesus as the Lamb, and you'll see the very things He's ready to work within those who are willing to be sheep as He is as well.
It's in seeing Jesus Christ as the lamb first, that allows to begin on this type of journey where we are also shaped into lambs through our fellowship with the very Lamb of God Himself. The Lamb is the key to breaking all the seals and setting people free. Those that see Him as the lamb, will begin to have that shaped and formed within Him, and will also participate in the very things He does before the Father.
The difference is He does it as the original, and we as in reponse to who He is being worked within us.
We need to ask the Lord to reveal Himself as the lamb to us, and then allow Him to work Himself within us that way. Only He can do it, and we need to keep our hearts open to Him as He does. It's not an easy path walking as lambs before the chief lamb; just look at His life to see that that is a reality.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It seems to me that we have to look at it very similar to a man and woman getting married. I don't think we have to be confused about this: it's a love relationship, one where vital union between Christ and His people takes place.
Of course this must become a practical reality, not simply a doctrine or theory. It's a reality for those who believe this and respond to the inner draw of the Spirit of God deep within a believers' soul.
Christ dwells within us by the Spirit. That in and of itself is being the Bridegroom, although His dwelling entails everything pertaining to His life. It begins with the love relationship between God and His people. Everything else springs forth out of that.
What this tells us is we need to quiet ourselves before the Lord in our lives, and allow Him to relate to us as the Bridegroom deep within. It's a wooing, not simply a loud, pushy demonstration that anybody can latch on to in and of themselves. It's real, it's personal, and it's initiated by Christ Himself, for those willing to listen and hear.
As believers, we need to ask the Lord to draw us witin to Him where He dwells within our spirit, and calls us from our souls to look to Him within. That's what Christianity really is: the Spirit of Christ within us, sharing all of Himself and changing us into His image as we allow the practical work of the cross to eliminate our selfishness. That happens in our lifetime on the earth until we leave it.
This is why He said when He speaks to us, it doesn't do much good for those who are always thinking about problems, situations, concerns, loving this world, themselves, among a plethora of other things described by Jesus as that which keeps Him from being centered on in our lives.
Christ as our Bridegroom is within all who believe. The question becomes then who is willing to hear the voice of the Bridegroom within, and share in a fantastic fellowship and intimacy. Not too many are willing to travel this road, as it's a costly pearl where you sell everything to attain it.
Not too many of those naming Christ are willing to pay that price to obtain the pearl of our Groom who is Christ.
The price is the loss of our self in order that He can build Himself within us, and that building comes as He takes up residence as the groom. From that union with His people who He is will gradually be built and the Bride of Christ revealed in the created world, to be seen by all.
Jesus will have a people like this before He returns for them, and the Spirit within us is calling from deep within to share in that with Him; to share His life.
We can't do this at all, it must be Him initiating it, and us responding. Even then we must ask Him to enable and empower us to pursue His wooing, as without Him we can do nothing.
The key to participating in this intimate fellowship with the Lord is ignoring all the outward things that always grab out attention and distract, and quiet our souls and restfully allow Him to share Himself with us.
That's the starting and ending point on our journey to know this great God of ours, who created us for this very reason.
Monday, January 26, 2009

The Father's focus from before time, during time, and after time, is Jesus Christ. He has been the purpose of the Father all along.
What does this mean? The Father has poured everything He is into Christ. All that the Father ever had to say has been said in Christ. All He's ever wanted to do has already been done in Christ.
So what does that have to do with the people of God? To be a believer is to have Christ within us. So everything Christ is from the Father, is now living within us.
That's what it means when we are told He is working toward being all in all. He's accomplished that with the cooperation of Jesus Christ, now He's working on extending that into His people.
We've heard that Jesus is the pattern Son, and He is all that, but it's not referring to some outward systematic pattern, but an organic pattern coming forth from who the Father is in Christ.
Let's look for a moment at what it means for God to be all in all as the end passion of the Father's eternal purpose.
We know that God is everywhere, as He fills the created universe and heaven as well. But that's a very general presence, and doesn't have much meaning to His purpose. That's just part of the fact that nothing can contain God ... or so it seems.
But, when God indwells His people, His filling isn't like the way His general presence in the created realms is. His presence there is full of purpose, and that is that everything will gravitate toward and change into the image of His son, whom He's already accomplished His filling in.
What we're talking about here is transformation; a process throughout our lifetimes on the earth where He brings us through many crosses, pressures and situations where He is able to weaken our self-life in order that His life can be worked into us in a way that changes us into His image.
He wants to more than weaken our self life, He wants to obliterate it. But because it'a a process, that takes time. For Christ to be Lord, it means we are to set aside our wishes and desires and let Him fill us with His.
We can do nothing pleasing unto God if we're not doing things from Him. To do things from Him, we must be willing to lose our self-centeredness and become Christ-centered.
We can't be concerned with whether others are doing this, we must be accountable to Christ; it's our responsibility in that.
So the eternal purpose of God is completely worked within Christ, coming from the life of the Father Himself. Now Christ, through the Holy Spirit is doing the same thing, filling us with His life in order to have us be bearers of His image. This is why we're supposed to be lights to this world, as we are to live from the one true light: Jesus Christ.
This can only happen in those who are willing to come to Christ and say there are no holds barred (We give Him permission to do what is needed to be done to accomplish His purpose). In reality, if we have the right start to our lives in Christ, this is in essence what we're saying to Him.
The problem is once He starts working in our lives, we draw back and look more toward outward things because the inner way of Christ isn't an easy one, as our terrible selfishness and self-life comes forth when He works in us, and many fall by the wayside because of what they see.
Consequently they misinterpret what it is Christ is trying to do. They think He's beating them over the head with a big stick, rather than Christ drawing them more toward the center of His light where everything is exposed.
Understand that. God isn't trying to embarrass, humiliate or mock you, He's simply taking His rightful place on the throne of your spirit and soul, and to do that He must eliminate within you that which stands in His way. It's just that at times it's not a pretty process, and you can come to the place where you want to quit. Don't! You're getting close to what He's working on in your life when those times come, so don't give up when you reach the depths of despair. He's got you right where He wants you!
Just surrender to Him over and over again and trust His love for you. You won't make it if you don't. Everything comes from the hand of God, as He allows it all, being completely in control. Just ask the simple question of what He is doing in your life, not so you can understand in the early stages, but so you can cooperate with Him and not fight against the grace of God working in you. Understanding comes later when the process is over, so you can help others that will go through similar things.
Anyhow, that's a small sketch of what it is God had in His heart from before time and creation. He is one who wants to fill all things with Himself, so who He is is seen throughout all the created realms throughout eternity. That's what we're called to. That is to be our purpose as well.
Let me give you one more illustration to help you see this.
What if 10,000 years from now we were still here in the universe, and man started colonizing the planets?
Let's say 100 people are sent as the seed of a new planet to colonize, but none of them are believers. Would the presence of God be on that planet? Would it be part of the eternal purpose of God?
No. The eternal purpose of God through His presence can only happen when a people internalize Him in an intimate fellowship that results in them being changed into His image through a lifetime of transformation.
So while the general presence of God is already everywhere in the created physical universe, the kingdom and will of God isn't, which is what it is He is working toward in a people.
If the kingdom and will of God isn't in a people, then it isn't part of wherever man is, not matter how many bodies are present in a specific place.
That kingom and will of God are only present where His image bearers are. Where they are, there He is. If they aren't, His presence as dictated by His eternal purpose doesn't exist.
Meditate on that as it applies to His people and His church. Think of it in terms of "Christ in you, the hope of glory." He's talking very specific, not general as mentioned above.