God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So-Called Scientists Missing a Few Links over Alleged Monkey Ancestor of Man

It seems the only way money-grubbing scientists are able to continue the hoax that there is a link between man and animals, is to shout it out in the media so people believe there is credibility to the claims, even though one hoax after another has been exposed as false through the years.

When you see this type of shout in the media concerning the latest assertion that the missing link is found the weakening theory of evolution, you know there's a motive behind it, other than the usual attempt to pretend there is no creation, because there's no God.

With the weak economy, and research funds drying up, we'll find out eventually that this is just a marketing scheme to attract more funds; otherwise scientists would have to go out and get real jobs.

You wait and see. This will prove false as anything else in the past, and scientists will take another blow against their growing lack of credibility.

There unwillingness to debate creationists contributes to their cowardly persona as well, as they refuse to go in front of the public and be demolished and proven to be the hucksters they really are.

Already other scientists are saying there are tons of questions about the assertions being made by those examining this thing, and there's no confirmation or proof whatsoever that it's even what they say it is, as far as the lemur/monkey mixture.

Others are trying hard to tone down the hype that this has been the nail in the coffin for Christians who believe that God created the world, as they know the blowback this time will be hard and swift, as the louder you shout and are heard, the longer people remember you assertions.

HeeHee. Too late. Jesus definitely has a sense of humor, and does catch man in what he thinks is his craftiness. We'll eventually find out the falsity of the missing link drama, and scientists will slither back to their caves and lick their wounds for a decade or more until they think the public is ready for another round of the latest false missing link.

Too bad "Ida," you're just another fossil laying underneath the earth. Too bad scientists, you're continually being exposed for being inept and the frauds you're increasingly becoming.

I vote to drop all funding of this nutty theory and its adherents. What a waste of money that could be used for purposes that really make a difference.

If you think that I'm just blowing in the wind about the money motivation behind this farce, just know that the 200th anniversary of the ultimate con, Darwin, is just around the corner. Oh, wait, maybe it's just some type of miracle.

In other news, bigfoot was again spotted by campers who unfortunately had their camera malfunction just at the time they were going to snap a shot at the legendary creature.

Update: Some evolutionists already pointing out flaws in Ida missing link Hoax:

Many paleontologists are unconvinced. They point out that Hurum and Gingerich's analysis compared 30 traits in the new fossil with primitive and higher primates when standard practice is to analyze 200 to 400 traits and to include anthropoids from Egypt and the newer fossils of Eosimias from Asia, both of which were missing from the analysis in the paper. "There is no phylogenetic analysis to support the claims, and the data is cherry-picked," says paleontologist Richard Kay, also of Duke University. Callum Ross, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago in Illinois agrees: "Their claim that this specimen should be classified as haplorhine is unsupportable in light of modern methods of classification."

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