God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nasa Scientists Think There are Living Microbes on Mars! It Wouldn't Surprise Me

I've thought a long time about what would happen if life of some type was found on other planets, as I have always known it had to be there. Why? God is life. It would be impossible for Him to create something based on invisible traits of Himself without there being some type of life connected to it.

So when I heard there's a possibility that just underneath the Martian soil there are living microbes, I thought it was very probable.

The idea by some scientists is the methane surrounding the planet is actually a "waste product by organisms called methanogens living in water beneath underground ice."

They also assume they're still alive or the methane would no longer be in the Martian atmosphere.

What has spurred this speculation is the lack of active volcanoes on the planet, which is a source of methane. That led them to the belief there are these living microbes, which some believe could also be in a state of suspended animation and could be revived.

While it's highly doubtful we'll find life in the form presented to us by science fiction creators, we will definitely find there is life wherever God may allow us to go.

If He gives us the time before He returns to explore some of the vast elements of space, we'll probably find the types of living organisms a human society could be built upon if we eventually inhabit other planets.

Now why is this being brought up at this time as far as NASA goes? It's about financing their institution. It's to spur the imaginations of people so they won't resist public funds being transferred to the government agency, which a growing number of people think should be handled by private companies.

It is fun to think about in spite of this, and also enjoyable to think that Jesus created life, and wherever His creation is located, life is there, for He is life.

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