God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rand Paul on Faith and America

Speaking at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition event, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul talked of his personal faith and the limitations of government in regard to handling challenges going forward in America.

Being a pro life advocate, Paul talks on the right for babies to be born in order to have the opportunity to make choices, rather than the so-called right of women to choose if they will allow life to enter the world. After all, that's playing God, and the government has no place in it, and no law can legitimately empower people to stop life, whether it's on the books or not.

Paul also talked on outrageous government spending and the debt this generation is leaving the next generation with. It is impossible to continue on in this direction, as the debt already will not be able to be paid, yet politicians, for the sake of remaining in office, continue to spend far beyond the means of the country, even though that spending will cause America to collapse.

Citing the flip flop of President Obama on gay marriage, Paul rightly say it's ridiculous to abandon "6,000" years of marital tradition, as it's a major part of the glue that has held civilizations together.

Most important to me, was when Paul rightly noted the reality that government can't handle the problems the country faces, or I may add, the problems any country faces.

Government can't change the hearts of human beings, only Jesus Christ can. And no matter how many laws are placed on the books, even legitimate ones, it won't change the hearts of people.

So looking to government as a healer and savior is sinful, and we need to repent and turn again to Jesus Christ and His people as the source of healing, and of course Christ alone as Savior.

Near the end of his presentation, Paul says something very noteworthy in that he doesn't vote the way he does in order to be electable the following term. We desperately need politicians with this integrity and backbone so the country has a chance one the smoke clears.

I mean by that it's too late from a fiscal point of view, as there will be a day of reckoning for the wild spending and the government going beyond its God-given boundaries.

That and the growing antagonism, hatred, and persecution of Christians will result in America being brought to its knees before God almighty. It will happen, as government leaders in the country refuse to repent, and many who claim to be Christians continue to go to the government for their pet projects, as if Jesus needs government help for His purposes and sovereign rule.

Our help and resources are from heaven, and that's where we need to be looking to and relying on.

If Christ has truly called us to do something, we don't need government funding to do it.

As for Rand Paul, we need to pray for him and pray to Jesus Christ that more like him emerge if we want a chance to pick up the piece and forge something even greater than before for America.

Greater than before has nothing to do with bigger, but it has everything to do with character. America isn't to be the policeman of the world, but should be a shining example of the person of Christ.

Of course we must return to our spiritual roots and total submission to Jesus Christ in order for that to be the case. It begins with each of us individually, and then as we find one another, it will turn into a corporate endeavor if we are true to Christ.

But whether anyone else heeds the call to repent and turn fully again to Jesus Christ, I am going to respond in that manner, and already have. May we all do that, and by the way, I'm not primarily, or in any way, talking about politics now.

Things are far beyond the ability of secular government and political solutions; they always have been. We are to seek out the sovereign rule of Jesus Christ in our lives, and from there all the other things will be added to us. There is no other way.

Rand Paul at Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Event, pt. 1

Rand Paul at Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Event, pt. 2

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