God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Can Christians Remain Democrats?

It appears that real Christians have a political choice to make in regard to whether or not they can remain in the Democratic party and remain true to their faith.

The old and worn out idea that you don't only make decisions based upon single issued is far past legitimate, and the Democrats spit in the eye of Jesus Christ and his people by legislating against the very specific things He is and his people believe in.

Abortion is the most obvious, but the implementation of Obamacare has in it the proven death panels for adults and ongoing murder via abortion for those living babies still in the womb of their mothers.

Only now they're taking the health care mandate and forcing Christians who oppose it to include it in their insurance coverage.

Lastly, now the Democrats are moving to include homosexual marriage - an abomination to Jesus and man - as part of their official party platform.

There are many more evils being adopted by Obama and the Democrats, but this is enough to cause any true Christian who sincerely follows their faith in Jesus Christ to abandon the Democrats, as it's becoming the party of evil and hatred, trying to suppress the voices and rights of those in opposition to it.

In the end, no Christian should remain a part of this murderous political party which thumbs its nose at the creator of the universe and the Savior of those that believe in Jesus Christ.

It's far past time to make excuses and depart this horrid political entity that is finally going public and out into the open with its true beliefs and agenda. There is absolutely nothing Christian about them.

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