God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Monday, September 17, 2012

Crown of the Cross and the Organic Church

Jesus said "many are called but few are chosen," and that has been the case with Christianity since He ascended into heaven; it's also true with what has been identified as the "organic church," as many like how it sounds, but misunderstand the enormous brokenness and humility needed to successfully live in the manner called to by Christ.

Before we get into this, let me say that the term organic church is already suspect in that many people claiming to be part of an organic church really don't understand what it is and what it practically means.

Whether using the term or not, what is means is a people living and interacting together on a daily basis with Christ as the center of their lives, encouraging and admonishing one another, strengthening one another so that we continue on 100 percent committed to the eternal purpose of God, which in the end, means we're all (not some) conformed to the image of Christ.

And as for interacting with one another, this is far beyond friendship and being buddies, but is first and foundationally a spiritual interaction based upon the life of Christ. From there there are secondary activities, but those that would be meaningless without the fact that it comes forth from the person and life of Christ being our center.

For anyone that is hungering and seeking this type of life, we must be willing to bear, what I call, the crown of the cross.

We must live a royal life as the life of Jesus in fact is, but one that is filled with brokenness, humility and and attitude of submission to one another.

I'm convinced that when we see Jesus as He is, the thing that will astound the majority of believers about Him will be the extraordinary humility He has.

Even when talking to His disciples He said when they were together again He would serve them. And of course He said He came to serve.

We're not talking soulish and overactive service here, but service coming forth and originating from Christ Himself within us. That takes an enormous amount of commitment and humility.

By service I'm not talking about the so-called "ministry" and "purpose" we all hear repeated over and over again. I'm talking about being in daily fellowship with one another, watching over and encouraging each other. That's what real ministry within the body of Christ means. That's what a family is.

It's, for the most part, not some individual ministry that stands alone and ministers to a bunch of disconnected people. It comes forth out of living unto Christ and one another on a daily basis. From there our various giftings and service come forth spiritually and in a natural way. (Natural not meaning carnal, but in a way that flows out of us like a river of living water because of our fellowship with one another.)

To live royal lives like this, we must embrace and receive the working of the cross in our lives, or we'll never survive and thrive in this wonderful life provided and offered us by Jesus Christ.

This is why I call the cross a crown, as those willing to embrace or take up the cross on a daily basis, will in fact, not only be crowned some day in heaven, but will receive the wondrous sharing of the life given us by Jesus Christ Himself while we're alive on this earth.

Jesus taught us to pray that we that His kingdom would come and will be done in earth as it is in heaven. All of this isn't just for the afterlife, it's for whosoever will - now.

So if the thought of organic church, or a redeemed people sharing life together on a daily basis sounds attractive or appealing to you, you must get past that to the fact that we are all called to die if it is to ever accomplish the purpose of Christ in the earth.

It's similar to marriage. All of it looks great until you live with one another for a while and discover you must die to yourself if it's ever going to be something beautiful you have together.

With the church as Christ meant it to be, it's the same. The honeymoon period quickly is over for those who have unrealistic and pumped up expectations, as we're all human and flawed, and even in the most committed group of believers we'll have to die to ourselves in order for the life of Christ to be able to be shared effectively with one another; which purpose is that we all come to the full knowledge of Christ, being conformed to His image.

That's the end, and sharing the live together daily with one another is the means. We'll be iron sharpening iron in order to smooth out and get rid of the rough edges.

Only those 100 percent committed to Christ and His people in this endeavor, and those taking up their cross daily will ever be able to make it in this magnificent journey together.

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