God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What is an "Organic" Church

The phrase or term "organic church" has become prevalent over the last decade or so, and because it has become somewhat popular, it signals the need to examine it more closely because popularity almost always points to the reality that it has migrated to something outside of the heart of Jesus Christ.

Most people today think of organic church as a place where everyone is allowed to talk and there is no clergy guiding and directing the process. While that isn't a terrible thing, it falls far short from what is in the heart of God.

Secondly, it also has become something that allows for almost anything to allow to be communicated, much of which isn't representative of Christ at all, and doesn't flow out of daily relationships amongst God's people.

In other words, much of organic church points to the idea of the entire church meeting together. The problem is when the church of Jesus Christ meets together, the result should be that it emerges out of living lives daily together with the interaction flowing from what has been happening with the "one another" of the body.

Look up one another some time in your concordance and see how it fits so predominantly in the hearts and minds of the apostles. In essence, that's what organic church really is. If there isn't a daily one another based upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter what term may be used, it isn't organic.

Organic is nothing more or less than the sharing of Christ together daily. That can be worked out in a myriad of ways, but if that's not there, it falls far from what it is the Holy Spirit is trying to accomplish in God's people.

That is as simple as I can explain it. Organic is the life of Christ Himself. It can be or mean nothing else. The Holy Spirit lives to reveal and form His life within His people, and the means to achieve that is in the one to another mentioned throughout the letters of the apostles. If there is no one to another, there is no way the work of God as it is meant to be can be accomplished. In fact, that is the work of God to interact with one another on a daily basis in order to watch over and encourage one another to be conformed to His image; to reach the fullness of Christ.

We need to be careful of using the term organic church carelessly and flippantly, as already there are thousands of believers who have done so, bringing it into a mystical, ephemeral meaning, rather than the very practical outworking it was meant to be by the Lord Jesus Christ.

I don't mean by that that there isn't to be a deep, personal walk with the Lord, as if there isn't, the one to another would be meaningless and unfruitful. It would just be a bunch of people having good relationships outside of the life of Christ and the purpose of God.

But that personal, deep walk with Christ is never meant to be done alone. Not only is it extremely difficult to accomplish, but it was never meant to be hoarded, but rather to be shared with others. That's what it means when Jesus said out of our innermost beings will flow rivers of living water. The fact that there is something flowing out of us suggest and points to that there is someone else it is flowing to. It isn't to be a vast, inner dead sea held to ourselves.

An organic church is a people living from the life of Christ on a daily basis one to another, sharing that life by the person of the Holy Spirit within us. Meetings are simply an extension of that daily life into a corporate gathering as it is perceived to be needed for all to learn from. By that I mean that something that was learned in daily interaction was found to be something the overall church would benefit from. Overall, that should be the basis for corporate gatherings.

So when you hear the phrase organic church being thrown around, keep these things in mind. It's all about sharing the life of Christ with one another daily.

It's not about only changing from a meeting in a building to a  meeting in the home with nothing more to it. That has been happening for a long time with little gain from it. Most people get into that for a short time and gravitate to the "next big thing" God is allegedly doing. I've seen that happen many times over the years.

To be truly organic means the abandonment of your lives together in order to see what is on the heart of God fulfilled. It won't justify sin, selfishness or the world, but will work together to help one another stand successfully against it.

Wicked people have already went outside the institutional church and have become twice the children of hell as those they think they are better than. They make excuses for homosexuals, embrace most religions and gods, and are embracing big government as the means of imposing their wills on others.
They say that so-called post-modernism must be embraced so Christianity can be relevant, and yet in embracing that demonic theory and world view, abandon Christ Himself. Some that even write about the so-called organic church embrace those that have abandoned Christ in the name of post-modernism.

Organic as it relates to Jesus Christ is a reference to His very person being worked out in a people. Anything that opposed and contradicts that is an enemy of Christ and must be rejected and abandoned.

None of this is new. People who are tired of the institutional church and its own compromises and unbiblical practices over respond and throw away the baby with the bath water. In other words, they reject the foundations of Jesus Christ and let in any doctrine that fits their particular fancy of the day.
Many institutional churches have done this as well, although sincere ones do at least keep a modicum of the faith, and teach a saving faith in Jesus Christ that is real.

As always, Satan always raised up a counterfeit from the real, and that's not different than other times in history when God has begun to move His church forward and deeper into Jesus Christ and His ways.

Throughout the entirety of the New Testament, the revelation is that Jesus Christ is the center of all things and life to those who truly believe in His name, and the purpose of God coming forth from that faith is that He will draw people together and build them into a house He can live and move in. That is organic. That is what the church is called to be. And it's expected and meant to be accomplished and lived on a daily basis. Don't accept anything less. Don't accept the sinful and wicked compromises of those trying to ride the wave of real organic life in Christ for a counterfeit.

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