God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Alan Chambers Loses His Way

It's unclear what has led to the departure of Alan Chambers from Biblical Christianity, but he has apparently collapsed under the pressure of hate groups and his own unwillingness to repent from his homosexual leanings.

Just because you have a ministry attempting to free homosexuals from their sin doesn't mean you've been freed from sin. This is one of the big problems with Christianity, as people pressure those wanting to help others into the public eye without having their own sin dealt with first.

Chambers has unfortunately just went the false and demonic post-modern way of thinking, where everything is determined by how an individual interprets just about anything. There is not truth here, and a having a conversation is simply another way of saying there will never be a meeting of minds because each person perceives their own reality, and that reality is as viable as anyone else's. That's a simplified look at post-modern thinking, but is definitely part of it.

In one of his first post-modern decisions, Chambers decided not to only apologize for what he did through Exodus International, which rightly worked to deliver homosexuals from their bondage to sin, but he also apologized for the church.

He said he wants to apologize to the gay community "for years of undue suffering and judgment at the hands of the organization and the church as a whole."

Only someone going post-modern would have the arrogance to apologize for something he has no authority whatsoever to do. The idea that Chambers thinks he represents the Church of Jesus Christ borders on being a megalomaniac.

Sickeningly he said he want "to see bridges built" between homosexuals and the church. He has no right to biblically do this because the first step towards any real conversation, as John the Baptist and Jesus both said, was to repent. Repentance is turning away from sin, so there is no way to build bridges between true believers in Jesus Christ and homosexuals until they confess and repent of their homosexual sin. At that point Jesus will step in and set them free.

To show his fallen mindset, he added this, "We've fought the culture war, and we've lost. It's time for peace." There has been no failure in the culture war from a Christian perspective, as the battle will continue until the day Jesus Christ returns. There are only those that cave in and go out to the outer court to be trampled.

The idea of making homosexuals comfortable in their sin while condemning them to an eternity in the lake of fire for refusing to repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the ultimate act of hatred. Those who do so in the name of the god of tolerance are the real haters, and will answer to God for not warning people of their sin.

Alan, it's not too late for you to repent for doing what is right. Don't cave into the hatred of those manipulating you into believing you're hateful.

Homosexuality is a sin that must be repented of, and it's one that isn't determined at birth. Anyone can be saved and delivered from any sin, and just because you've struggled with same-sex attraction doesn't mean you were born that way or Jesus Christ failed you. You have to let it go and die to your self-centered ways. The cross is enough for that, and all we have to do is call out to God for deliverance and He will be there.

That and surrounding yourself with believers who will support you while you fight the good fight, knowing that God is faithful to deliver you out of all your struggles.

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