God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Nothing to Lose in Our Battle with the World

Christians have been deceived and intimidated by the world and false brethren, who attempt to shame or manipulate them into thinking they're being judgmental or legalistic when following Christ according to how the Bible reveals Him and His commands.

The truth is the world won't stop harassing and attacking you until you're willing to lose everything, because they instinctively know what we're fighting for, and attempt to even use reaching out to people for Christ or willingness to spend time with us as tools of evil to get us to accept their sinful lives and false doctrines. These types of people have one goal: to silence us so there are no voices to oppose them.

This is an extension of Satan's attempt to be as God. He expresses that through his human representatives. Understand that the world and false believers won't be satisfied until they beat us down until we collapse under the weight of their assault. The only response is to completely reject their evil and manipulation, and accept nothing less than the purpose and person hood of Jesus Christ being expressed into this world.

It doesn't matter whether or not they allow us to be part of their lives or part of a ministry. This is also a deception. So-called ministry for many Christians has become an idol, and in order to attract people will cave in to evil in order to give the impression they have a "ministry." It's not a ministry, it's just gathering people based upon their whims and wishes, and making it appear it's something God is going.

Forsake the temptation to cave in, and stand firm in the faith and wait patiently on God, asking Him to show you what it is He wants to do in and through you. Anything else will be burned up when you face God Almighty, with only you being saved.

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