God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Earth Not Warming Confirm Data

Data gathered from over 3,000 measuring points on land and sea has confirmed that the earth indeed has stopped warming since 1997, according to the British Met Office, which is the meteorological center of Great Britain.

The dishonest proponents of global warming have known this for years, which is why they changed their identification of the fictitious problem to climate change. Doing that, they can now disingenuously use any change in temperature to back their claims, which in the end, is an attack on business and economic growth.

Here's what the Daily Mail reported:

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week (October 2012).  
The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.
This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years. 
The new figures mean that the pause in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. . . . The new figures mean that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. 
The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued  quietly on the Internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported.
This stands in sharp contrast  to the release of the previous  figures six months ago, which went only to the end of 2010 – a very warm year. 
Ending the data then means it is possible to show a slight warming trend since 1997, but 2011 and the first eight months of 2012 were much cooler, and thus this trend is erased. . . . 
From the start of 1997 until August 2012, however, figures released last week show the answer is zero: the trend, derived from the aggregate data collected from more than 3,000 worldwide measuring points, has been flat. 
Not that there has been any  coverage in the media, which usually reports climate issues assiduously, since the figures were quietly release online with no accompanying press release – unlike six months ago when they showed a slight warming trend.. . . 
But according to increasing numbers of serious climate scientists, it does suggest that the computer models that have for years been predicting imminent doom, such as  those used by the Met Office and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, are flawed, and that the climate is far more complex than the models assert.

This is a blistering conclusion that now much defended point by point by the proponents of global warming, or they'll have to admit they have either outright lied, or have another agenda behind pushing the scam on the global public.

Of course the evidence against global warming is now irrefutable, so they'll have to change their tactics and not even attempt to defend their erroneous position.

The tactics, since they are now no longer believed by an increasing number of people, will have to be to persuade politicians to force laws and taxes on corporations and people no matter if it needs to be or not.

For Christians, we need to pray against this evil, as it will do more to undermine the liberties and economic well-being of a growing number of Americans and other global economies which it would have a negative impact, which will ultimately affect the followers of Jesus Christ.

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