God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Friday, November 23, 2012

Jesus Christ and Money with Integrity

Leviticus 19:35,36 - King James Version

35 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure.

36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.

Not a lot of Christians think in terms of money or currency in relationship to the Bible or Jesus Christ, as most of us operate under certain assumptions concerning it, and really don't understand the underlying factors affecting the money we used on a daily basis for the transactions we make in our lives.

But the Bible actually has quite a bit to say about money that has integrity, and the passage above encapsulates that very well.

Most of us, when we think of money from long ago, understand historically that people used gold and silver coins as part of the medium of exchange. That's why the reference to just weights and measures are mentioned by God in the passage above.

What we don't understand is even though we mostly use paper or digital currency these days, there is still the principle of the fact that money must have integrity if it is to be something we can predictably trust as a medium of exchange.

In other words, money shouldn't be allowed to be created out of thin air by central banks around the world (which is called fiat money), because it has a strong, negative impact on the value of the currency that is being printed, or these days, digitally added to the marketplace.

Before we touch on this, don't get overly concerned about what a "just ephah, and a just hin," means in the scriptures. The point isn't what they specifically were, but the fact that there was a standard that was understood by the people of that time, and that standard was to be adhered to by the order and command of Almighty God.

I say this because some people easily get sidetracked by this to the detriment of missing the point of the command of God, which was that money was to have integrity to it, and anything that undermines that integrity is disallowed by Jesus Christ.

That means people must be able to confidently engage in financial interactions where they can trust that the money is exactly what it is supposed to be. Fiat money, or money created by central banks around the world disrupt that confidence and predictability, whereby people and businesses are hurt by it because of the fact that just weights and balances are not being used.

How is that the case?

I'm not going to get into every probability and possibility concerning money and the forces bearing on it, as it would confuse most of you, and the frustration would probably cause you to abandon the idea of even trying to understand the basic premise behind central banks using unjust weights and measures in the eyes of God.

Instead, will look at what is the most important part of the equation, and that is when money is printed by central banks, including the Federal Reserve in America, it debases or weakens the U.S. dollar, resulting in less buying power by those using the currency.

Consequently, over time, inflation rises and rises, coming about from the release of money into the economy that is created out of thin air; money that has no backing or support whatsoever, other than people unfortunately trust in it because of the promise that it has the full backing of the U.S. government. Other governments around the world make similar promises, with many reneging on them after they basically destroy their currencies.

So every time a central bank releases money that isn't backed by anything such as gold, it effectually is participating in the unjust act of disrupting the weights and measures required by God. It does that be lowering the value of the currency in question. That's sin.


The majority of people don't understand this, including Christians, so they support the actions of central banks, or at minimum don't oppose or pray against them, as we should.

Why this is important is because the central banks give governments and corrupt politicians a blank check to spend whatever they want to, which not only adds to the national debt, which in the case of America is unsustainable, as well as other regions of the world, such as the euro zone, bringing the economies crashing down on the heads of unsuspecting people,

who don't understand the forces being applied upon them. They know something is wrong, but they don't know the why of it.

As sheep being led to the slaughter, and because governments and central banks have socialized people into accepting their actions as those that will save them, they continue to call for more spending and stimulus, even though that is one of the major reasons for the sick global and national economies.

What a gold or combined metal or commodity standard does is force governments and politicians to spend within their means. For Christians, that points to the government being kept very small and focused on its only God-given function, which is protection and the court systems.

For example, if there was a gold standard, or a gold standard combined with another commodity like silver or other metals, there could be no more spending than what the currency is backed up with. The result of that would be money that could be counted on to hold its value, and a more predictable outcome in the future.

Notice in the scripture above how God equates just weights and measures to the children of Israel, or the Old Testament church, being delivered from bondage out of Egypt. The result of the abandonment of money with integrity is bondage, and that's what we see today as money is created and thrown around by central banks.

To create money out of thin air is rebellion against God, and ever since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the value of the U.S. dollar has plummeted by over 95 percent. If the country you live in has had a central bank for decades, you could also check to see how the value of the currency you use has fallen as well. I guarantee it'll shock you when you find out what it is.

Fiat money, or money created by central banks without anything backing it up, is a devastating practice which is the major enabler of politicians trying to make a name for themselves in the earth. It corrupts them even further, and allows them to make the government into a healer and provider; something that is an abomination to God, and something He never intended.

Go and read the book of Daniel when he revealed and interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. It said that when Jesus Christ (identified as the Rock cut out of a mountain) would come, he would small the worldly kingdoms and empires. Anything that supports the idea of empire-building is a direct assault on the fact that Jesus Christ alone is king of kings and lord of lords. Anything supporting something contrary is an enemy to that reality. Central banks and money creation out of thin air falls within that category.

As for money, for it to operate as God intended, it needs to be backed up by something that provides a value to it. Anything else is a form of magic; only an idea or a thought - nothing else. The only thing allowing it to continue is because people who don't understand the mechanics behind money continue to have misguided trust and faith in it. They'll do that to their ruin.

Money is now flawed for the reasons mentioned above, and we need to pray for the return of money that actually has hard assets backing it. Anything else is built on shifting sand, and it will eventually come tumbling down.

That's not to say we are to trust in money in general. But we do need to be able to trust in the fact that money should be what it is asserted to be. It isn't.

It's like buying a car from someone who says it works great and has nothing wrong with it. We don't put our trust or faith in a car, but when we buy it for an agreed upon amount based upon its condition, we should be able to take possession of the car taking those assertions into account. We cannot do that with money, and the flawed U.S. dollar and many other currencies are a disaster that is no longer even attempted to be held in any type of check or balance.

Money must have integrity, and it no longer has any whatsoever. People, including Christians, will find that out to their ruin some day, as they continue to support the government and out-of-control politicians who believe they can continue to spend with impunity.

At its basic level, money needs to have something back it up. If it doesn't, it can be played with and manipulated by anyone who chooses to, and when you combine that with the governments around the world exceeding the mandate laid down by God, it's only a matter of time and when it'll come crashing down upon unsuspecting people.

We must pray that God will deal with central banks by removing them out of the world. We must pray for an honest currency; one that has substance and integrity to it and which holds its value over time.

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