God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Friday, October 14, 2011

Christ in a Pre-Christian World

It appears the majority of believers have come to think in terms of Christianity as having entered into a post-Christian era in the world, including so-called Christianity itself, which has abandoned much of the tenets of the faith.

When I say abandoned the tenets of the faith, I'm mostly referring to mixture, where a lot of the world is added to a little bit of the Bible and Christ.

Even so, there are denominations which claim to be Christian which allow practicing homosexuals to lead the flock, even though the Lord Himself condemns this aberrant lifestyle, which is counter to Christ, and not something anyone has been born with. It's a choice. Period!

There are many more examples which could be cited, as you know, but I want to focus on the implications of that in this article, and not the numerous consequences resulting from it.

Specific implications refer to whether or not Christianity is in fact in a post-Christian era or not. My argument is that we aren't in a post-Christ era in any way, but are rather still reside in a pre-Christian era.

While we could make a case for a post-Christian era from the atrocities being accepted by what are labeled as Churches, but that misses the point.

The reason it misses the point is because of church history, which shows that there really hasn't been an overall embrace of Biblical Christianity since not too long after the period of the early Church, even though there have been periods of recovery which have affected relatively small segments of those professing Christ.

If you read the Bible and have Christ truly residing in you, there can be no doubt there has been little in the way of maturing into the image of Christ, which is part of His eternal purpose for us. There have been some solid individuals over time, but not much in the way of a corporate testimony of Christ.

My conclusion is that requires us to conclude that we are still largely in a pre-Christian era, and have yet to sustainably, and over time, mature in Christ to a state where we, as an entity, can say we represent Christ on the earth; in who He is and what He demands of us.

Once we do, from there we'll truly begin to see what it means to take dominion on this earth, another aspect of His eternal purpose concerning His people.

So don't be discouraged or lose hope, as what we're seeing is really just the beginning of a shaking out in those who name Christ, but in fact aren't really His.

There is much talk about there being many people repeating a sinners prayer, but without real conversions. I believe that is the case, but not just in our day, but throughout much of Church history.

We still await the day when the Church becomes a people reflecting Christ in the earth, and what that will mean for creation before the Lord returns for His people. We must reject that which is of this world and not allow it to infiltrate the Church.

We also must become a people of the Spirit, living from His life and showing forth who Christ is to a world that have yet to fully see Him in His people in an unmixed, pure manner.

Again, there have been times throughout history where there has been a glimpse of this, but overall, there has been a resistance to maturing in Christ because it entails the work of the cross in His people, as well as a separation from the world and its underlying premises.

Christians, or those who name Christ, are afraid to go all the way because they know deep within it will cost them everything. We need to be of those that are willing to take this journey, not counting anything of importance in this world, as we pray for the will and kingdom to come down from Heaven.

We aren't living in a post-Christian world, as that would imply some type of magnificent, truly spiritual period and people we can point to as a point of reference to back the assertion.

Again, there have been small pockets of people such as this throughout history, but not to the point where it has been embraced by Christendom as a whole.

Until those who are redeemed apply themselves and respond to the call of the Lamb, we will continue to dwell in a pre-Christian era on the earth.

Christ continues to woo those who will respond to His call. Let's cast off our baggage and run the race He has run and placed before us.

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