God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Obama and Fascist America

The roots of fascism have been mostly traced back to Mussolini, who once stated this: "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

While it is true that Mussolini offered up the talk of fascism, in reality he was a Marxist, but his followers, according to Paul Johnson in Modern Times, wouldn't support his socialist leanings, and so instead he adopted fascism, at least in theory, as his preferred way of reaching his goals.

Mussolini also asserted, "We control the political forces, we control the moral forces, we control the economic forces. Thus we are in the midst of the corporative fascist state."

He concluded that fascism was "organized, concentrated, authoritarian democracy on a national basis."

The followers of Mussolini had no desire to see the nationalization of industry in the socialist sense, so he followed them into what was considered by socialists of that day as Marxist heresy.

Essentially what fascism in our day and age operates as is the government allowing corporate cartels to operate under its auspices, allowing them to use practices otherwise illegal.

Interestingly, private cartels aren't allowed to exist, meaning only government-sanctioned cartels are allowed, even it isn't exactly presented that way.

Cartels are basically created in order to hinder free market forces from being the deciding factor in business and other transactions. Cartels are a form of fascism, and the U.S. government and large corporations are up to their necks in this practice.

The largest and most notable cartel in the United States is the Federal Reserve and its relationship to the giant banks. Essentially it's a combination of a public institution embracing the private sector banks. Some could argue the Federal Reserve isn't a public entity, but a private one. While true, in practice it's as powerful as any government entity there is.

Cartels and/or fascism attempt to limit competition in order to shore up revenue, margins and profits. Another example is OPEC, which is a group of countries which primarily agree to quotas, although that doesn't usually work very well because of some of its members always breaking the agreement; a good thing for consumers.

The U.S. government has encouraged certain business leaders to work together for the betterment of the nation. This is fascism and cartelization of the market. The government has absolutely zero business telling business what to do or how. Even regulations can be a form of fascism, as evidenced by what direction the government wants the country to take. Energy is an obvious example here, among several.

Fascism can thrive when a popular demagogue like Obama enters the political arena. People get their eyes off of issues and focus on personality and charisma instead. That's what happened with Mussolini and Hitler, who were moving orators.

This is why the Tea Party has far more accuracy and potential than the clueless and purposeless protesters identifying themselves as "Occupy Wall Street."

When asked what they represent, they have no answer. A revolution without a purpose? Hardly. Many are even paid to attend, meaning they are a creation of unions and other socialist and fascist entities which live off of the money of the productive.

Tea Party people, which are a legitimate grass roots movement, at least understand the need to limit the size of government and the consequences if they don't. Those involved with the centrally planned "Occupy Wall Street" seem to be opposed to large bankers and corporations, but they're clueless as to why, other than the fact that they're big and businesses.

The intellectually challenged "Occupy Wall Street" people are so blinded to the role of government and its fascist practices, that they can't even connect the dots that are right in front of their faces. That's the danger of hero worship concerning politicians, in this case Obama, as he's as big a recipient and support of the fascist marriage of government and business as there ever has been, and knows he can get away with it because it's not as easy to discern as outright socialism.

An interesting insight from Paul Johnson concerning Mussolini was his obsession with national greatness and giant projects confirm that greatness. Fascism is largely a nation-state focus, and actions are taken in light of that. Germany of the early 20th century is another obvious example of this.

What the government is attempting to do through fascism is to become great in the eyes of the people via its actions. The problem is of course it must do this in "partnership" with businesses in order to pull it off. This is why socialism is such a failure in all ways, as it doesn't hide the fact it wants to directly control all aspects of the life of its people, especially business. This is much harder to measure, and operates under the radar of most people, who don't see the connection.

Business is the source of capital, and favoring and cartelizing them via government actions is the way fascism works.

This is why Marxists view fascists as heretics, they don't attempt to directly control business, rather they get into bed with chosen businesses in order to extract the favors they want in return.

Government is the pimp and businesses are the prostitutes, who are then allowed to work certain street corners offered by the government, which is now giving the orders behind the scenes, which in turns creates powerful banking and businesses which start to do the same in certain areas.

This is the great evil of fascism, as it gives the appearance of free markets, when in fact it's a large anti-trust scheme scamming the people of a nation, who aren't knowledgeable enough to know the difference.

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