God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Monday, October 3, 2011

Greece's Failed Socialist Experiment

Greece continues to respond weakly to their self-induced sovereign debt crisis, as socialism continues to destroy the economy of the nation based upon making promises and implementing policies which aren't economically sustainable.

People used to being taken care of by the nanny state are now up in arms over the cutting of their benefits, causing continual strikes and uproar over the inability of the country to fulfill its false and baseless promises.

So now the media is attempting to paint the ongoing recession as the culprit in the matter, not wanting to speak against the the failed economic experiment that socialism is, and instead making it appear a failure of capitalism.

Greece is about as socialist as you get, and to even imply the recession is the problem, attempts to shift blame from forced redistribution of wealth, which have never worked over time, towards business, which has been proven to work.

The failure of socialism means governments must stop their attempts to social engineer in order to garner favor with people, and instead get out of the way so creative entrepreneurs can do what they do best: create jobs.

That means governments around the world need to start being limited in size and lower taxes and eliminate counterproductive regulations which choke off economic growth.

After all, who is going to continue to be productive only to have the government come in and extract that productivity and redistribute it to the lazy and unproductive who have been socialized into believing they deserve it?

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