God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Friday, October 14, 2011

Joni-Eareckson-Tada Ignorant on Economics and Medicare

It's unfortunate that Joni Eareckson-Tada decided to enter into the fray on the upcoming election as it relates to pro-life and government spending.

I say unfortunate because she needs to be exposed for her clueless ignorance on economics and how the United States is being impacted by unsustainable socialist programs, specifically Medicaid.

First of all, Tada says that abortion or embryonic stem cell research aren't what determines whether a person is pro-life or not.

She says this:

"Although these are important issues, I want to encourage voters to look at the bigger picture. If you truly believe in the value of life, you care about all of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society." You mean babies in the womb aren't the weakest and most vulnerable of society, Joni? Abortion has already proven they are. Period!

I don't want to rehash all that though. It's the assumptions and conclusions drawn from her assumptions I want to challenge.

Incredibly, Tada says, "Unless society holds accountable those who are defining 'waste-reduction measures,' the disabled and elderly will lose services and in-home support that are critical to their basic needs."

Who could disagree with Tada's statement? Not me. But that's not where she ends it, which is the huge problem. She defines society as not people, but the government. This is the horrendous and hideous error she makes.

In other words, if you're not a big-spending government politician, you have to be held accountable from Tada's point of view, as she's not able, or willing to distinguish between the two, as her writing explicitly says.

Tada gets close to being evil with her conclusions, calling out those who are pro-life as being tarnished if they don't agree with her assertions.

Like all good citizens, the elderly and people with disabilities want to eradicate waste and fraud from government, but helping people with special needs meet their basic needs doesn't fit this description. The hallmark of a healthy society has always been measured by how it cares for the disadvantaged.

As people investigate the candidates on all issues, they should remember that being pro-life also means protecting the elderly and medically fragile people - it's not a litmus test issue. If candidates believe that savings can be secured through undercutting basic services for the elderly and disabled, it can't help but tarnish their stand as pro-life candidates.

Don't get caught into Tada's tortured logic. She simply isn't able to think in terms of entities outside the government being those providing services for those with special needs or the elderly, even though millions in private funds are in fact doing that at this time.

Worse to me, is she's using her capacity as an alleged defender of the disabled and elderly to manipulate people into voting for her party and candidate, which is obvious. Hey, forget about those being aborted, as the progressives and Democrats have, it's more important that we continue to spend beyond our means as a government than to deal with the economic destruction coming. See how that helps the needy at that time.

Along with attempting to use the "guilt" card, Tada has shown herself to be absolutely clueless concerning economics. Secondly, her inability to separate providing for the needy and elderly outside of government channels shows she's part of the problem and not part of the solution.

It's an outrage that she asserts those who don't back up continual government spending for her special interest group means they're pro-life credentials are at risk.

In case you attempt to use the "guilt" card on me, don't bother. My son has been a special needs person since he was born about 34 years ago, and I know exactly what the issues are surrounding his care.

To imply this has anything to do with government promises it will never been able to keep over the long term prolongs the problem, and makes the landing even harder for those counting on it and socialized into depending upon it.

Joni would do much better to study up on economics of the Austrian kind, and to work more on raising private capital and awareness for those who will need it in the future.

The government spending programs, no matter how well intentioned, aren't sustainable. That's simply the fact, whether you like it or not. This reality will hit over the next decade as economic growth continues to be slow and cuts be forced to come in line with reality.

For Joni, she needs to publicly repent for her callous coloring of those who don't agree with her as being suspect as to their pro-life credentials. We await your response.

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