God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Global Warming "Science" Doesn't Exist

The more and more people check under the hood of the assertions made by so-called scientists concerning not only global warming, but man-caused global warming, the more it is revealed that is is science fiction, rather than anything based upon reality.

The CO2 model used by scientists as a means of predicting global warming is completely false, and has failed miserably as a predictive model.

Whether it is global warming by nature or global warming allegedly caused by people, neither have been relevant for the last 11 years, as it hasn't been taking place during that time.

Global warming, as well as cooling, is simply part of the way Jesus Christ created the earth and nature. There have been ebbs and flows throughout thousands of years, and the idea of CO2 being a model is completely off.

Why does the assertion of man-made global warming continue to be listened to in light of the junk science behind it? It's the old and tired agenda of progressives (socialists) and those wanting to implement one-world governance.

When socialists failed to prove its superiority to capitalism, they've gone off on numerous other journeys and focuses in attempts to implement their ultimate agenda of ruling the world.

Their strategy is to create fear in the general population in order to wear them down so they will allow the enactment of rules and regulations which will ultimately enslave people.

Scientists backing this are those seeking fortune and fame in a place in the new world order.

This is why the data concerning global warming and/or climate change are continually misrepresented or found to be outright forged.

We must be a people of discernment and never take at face value what the world is throwing out there as truth, in the sense of what the data are saying. The elites and arrogant always want to control the actions and parameters of the regular people.

Christians must not be so gullible in embracing these assertions and lies, even it if makes us unpopular, or our reputations take a hit.

After all, Paul admonishes in Philippians to have the same mind in us that Christ had, which in part was to make ourselves of no reputation.

Numerous compromising "Christians" have already embraced the global warming and evolution camps (as two examples), so they don't have to suffer the ridicule, ostracisation and rejection that accompanies holding to Biblical revelation and principles.

The reason why is they want to have, in most cases, a career in their chosen fields. We must repent of this and hold to the truths revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures.


More Fraud Concerning AGW/CC

Global warming climatologists hiding unfavorable key data concerning past global temperature proxies for years

More on hiding temperature declines

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