God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tea Party and Economics

Whenever a grass roots movement starts to take shape, there are always vultures on the opposite end of the spectrum ready to swoop in and influence, and wishfully, co-opt the movement, or at least generate enough confusion so it takes its focus off the issues and begins to fragment.

The Tea Party faces that in the area of economics, as they understand the dangers of big government, the Federal Reserve and giant banks, but they don't understand the why of it.

It's really quite simple. The advocates of big government interfering in the lives of its citizens by offering them goodies in the form of womb to tomb benefits, are empowered by the Federal Reserve (or a central bank in any country), which prints or digitizes money out of thin air, allowing, temporarily, the illusion it is a sustainable strategy.

Of course the problem is there's a huge cost to all of this, which is the debasing, or weakening of the buying power of the dollar. Since the founding of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. dollar has lost 95 percent of its value, and that's in less than 100 years.

What has also happened, is cushy government jobs are offered which pay far above market wages, which those who are the real producers, the private sector, must pay for through enormous taxes.

The ambitious but unsustainable promises of politicians has brought us to the place where we can no longer support their irresponsible behavior in order to get elected, under the guise of offering a safety net for the disadvantaged.

To simplify matters, those in the Tea Party, as well as anyone with an interest in fiscal responsibility, must oppose the growth of government, as well as the continuance of the Federal Reserve, which is the empowerer of all of those who have attempted to turn the government into a god.

The solution isn't that difficult. You cut back on the size of government by slashing the outrageous spending, cut taxes, and get out of the way of creative entrepreneurs, who are behind what has made America the economic power it has become.

Behemoth government now sucks the breath out of the economy by pillaging businesses and the productive with ever-increasing taxes and regulations which are destroying the country before our eyes.

It is a horrible and destructive idea to promote the idea of so-called shovel-ready jobs, as they're a form of entitlement, which only adds to the economic challenge we face, as it makes government even larger, the private sector smaller, and the debt we bear worse than it already is.

In other words, the Federal Reserve can just print out the money and we have the finances to support the jobs. At least that's what the faulty strategy is, and one that has failed to work after over $1 trillion has already been thrown at the economy with no effect but to make the national deficit even bigger.

The Tea Party must understand that the Federal Reserve is the enabler, and the government is the addict. We must work to rid ourselves of the central bank, as well as radically slash the budget of the United States. That's the only starting place to begin, and the only focus, as far as economics goes, we need to zero in on. From there the rest will take care of itself as we suck the oxygen out of this monstrous government spending and debt.

There is no other recourse. The handwriting is on the wall. There is no other solution. It can be done in a controlled manner, or it can be done through neglecting to deal with the problem by kicking the can down the road. Either way, the problem will only be resolved by taking some pain by Americans.

Don't get sidetracked by all the secondary issues, as they're endless and take our eyes off of the foundational solution, which is limited government and the shutting down of the out of control Federal Reserve.

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