God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow ... And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:9-11

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Marco Rubio Blasts Government Interference in Our Lives

Marco Rubio, a Republican senator from Florida, spoke against the outrageous interference of the American government in the lives of the citizens of the country.

Rubio noted that the increased role of government has "actually weakened us as a people."

While this isn't a new message over the last several years, Rubio took it a step further to say that it's not simply an accounting problem, but is a direct connection with our culture. The culture of government has attempted to take the place of the culture of personal responsibility, said Rubio, and problems of overspending and the culture it has created can not be separated. In other words, both now have to be dealt with because of the entitlement culture the liberal, socialist government and its coherts have created.

The question continues to be put forth on whether or not America will return to its roots as a free nation under the rule of God, or it'll continue to spiral down into a progressive welfare state, which is already bankrupt and only held up by the endless creation of money out of nothing by the Federal Reserve, which is already beyond our ability to pay back.

Sen. Rubio also noted that in the recent past parents raised and took care of their children – then when their parents aged, those children paid it back by taking care of their parents. Neighbors also used to take care of their neighbors, not the nanny state.

Now the danger we face, as has already revealed itself in Europe, is the recipients of the welfare and handouts from the government are starting to throw tantrums, which in some cases have ended up in riots and loss of life, as the people slowly discover the government can't play god, and isn't almighty.

The socialist, progressive demonic idea of force wealth redistribution is ending. But it appears these people won't go away quietly, even as the reality of the death of the socialist dream fades into history. There will probably be a wicked response from those who won't admit, even in the light of empirical evidence, that socialism or so-called progressivism is dead, and never had a chance to succeed.

Jesus Christ loves a cheerful giver, and one that isn't forced or coerced into giving. That is the way to deal with the many challenges of life that require needs to be met.

The introduction of the nanny state has taken away some of the incentive of giving, and destroyed much of the former American way of live that had been influenced by Christianity. People now line up to gather money at the public trough rather than remain married, or even get married, as part of the financial commitment that marriage and raising a family, in fact is.

All of us should pray for the only God to move the hearts of His people, and people in general, away from large government, and return to trusting in Him and working to help one another; something that communities in America had always done.

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